PR – connection between Huxley and Postman

In assaying Aldous Huxley’s” Brave New World” and Neil Postman’s” Entertaining Ourselves to Death,” it’s apparent how both authors give study-provoking examples of their separate societies. Huxley’s depiction of a dystopian world emphasizes the dominance of pleasure and superficial happiness, achieved through exertion and the repression of individuality and critical thinking. On the other hand, Postman delves into the mischievous impact of mass media and entertainment, arguing that our society’s obsession with recreation results in the trivialization of significant matters and a decline in our capability to engage in meaningful conversations.   

Although these authors explore different aspects of societal control and manipulation, there are inarguable parallels between them. Postman himself draws connections, pressing the resemblance between our ultramodern world and Huxley’s dystopia, where we’re constantly bombarded with distractions that desensitize us to the realities of our actuality. Both authors advise against the threats of an unresistant population, whether it’s through mindlessly consuming entertainment or accepting a destined pleasure-focused actuality. As readers, we’re encouraged to contemplate how our society reflects the themes presented in these books and consider the consequences for our future.


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