PR-Romeo and Juliet

I recently watched the “Romeo and Juliet” movie in English class, and it was amazing! I’m addicted to romantic movies, so watching this classic was great. Yeah, sure, it was a bit dramatic and everything, but you know what? That’s part of what makes it so fun. Romeo and Juliet were like the ultimate teenage love story. I mean, love at first sight? Totally relatable when you’re young and head over heels. Their passion was so intense, it was like they’d do anything to be together, even if it meant going against their families or society’s rules.Watching the movie and reading the original text gave me this whole new perspective. Sure, the old language that was used back then was a bit tricky to follow at times, but it was cool to see how the story played out on screen and in Shakespeare’s words. Finally that shocking ending! Even though you know it’s coming, it still surprises you with all the changes and drama it has. But it’s a great reminder that love isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, there’s always challenges stepping in the way. Anyway, “Romeo and Juliet” definitely surprised me. It’s got me thinking about love, fate, and all that good stuff a relationship can be like. Plus, it was a nice break from the usual English class routine. Who knew English class could be so entertaining?

“PW #7” Being Kind and ending up wrong.

Have you even been in a situation where being too kind ends up betraying you? Well, all my life, my mom has taught me to help others anywhere, everywhere, and at any time. Throughout my life, this has become more present because I have learned that helping others makes me really happy because I enjoy seeing others happy. However, I have also learned that by being too kind and exposing myself too much, my actions have consequences. Since I arrived at Brookes Westshore, I have placed helping others as my priority, and it has come incredibly well. Ive become a great and helpful person; however, recently I got in trouble with a school work. Some friends needed my help in a class, so with all their trust, they came to me, and of course I helped them. They did not understand a single question, so I gave them my response and also explained it to them for them to at least understand the question and be ready for the test. I at first did not understand the question either, so I used Google, which I consider a great friend because it makes things way clearer when the topic is too hard or when you don’t completely understand your teacher. After giving them my response, I felt like a good friend because I knew they would do amazing with my help. However, I got into trouble for sharing my responses and using Google, which, even though I understand the point of view of the teacher, maybe understanding the situation and having compassion for their students could have been a better response than immediately placing me at 0 with no way of fixing it. Finally, I have understood that maybe some teachers understand kindness in school to a certain level when others do not, and that’s totally acceptable.

IRJE #6 Better than the Movies

In the book of “Better Than the Movies,”  by Lynn Painter, the quote

“You look best when you’re you. Sometimes we get so tied up in our idea of what we think we want that we miss out on the amazingness of what we could actually have.” (pp.111)

has a true significance. This short but important quote captures the essence of authenticity and self-acceptance, reminding us that when we embrace who we really are, our true beauty appears. It’s like a soft development, telling us to accept our individuality and peculiarities instead of trying to fit into roles that are imposed by society. We follow the characters Liz journeys of self-awareness and development as she learns the value of being true to herself. This quotation connects with myself as I navigate my own search for authenticity and acts as a beacon of hope, showing my way towards self-acceptance and love.

I really am enjoying a lot this book, it has this troop of enemies to lovers which I love because I enjoy reading relationships of love hate situations, they are super interesting and fun to read. With this quote is an example of how little by little the characters from hating each other they start showing their true reality and how they actually love each other and confess their love to one another.



PW #6 Missing Mexico!

As I sit at my bed in Canada, surrounded by my small bedroom, with tight walls and the cool breeze coming through the window, my thoughts wander to a place filled with sunshine, laughter, and the aroma of delicious food – Mexico. Growing up in Canada has been an exciting experience, but as the days pass, I find myself eagerly anticipating my return to the vibrant streets of my home city.

I’ve been exposed to a world of opportunity and diversity since moving to Canada. Every day is an adventure, from the beautiful surroundings to the diversity in the city. By making friends with people from every aspect of life, I’ve been able to learn about their traditions and customs, which has greatly expanded my perspective.

But even with all of Canada’s natural beauty and diversity, there’s a part of me that misses the cozy comforts of Mexico. It’s not just about the food, even though I can almost taste the delicious tacos and cool agua fresca; rather, it’s about the feeling of community that comes from being with loved ones.

The longer the days get and the colder it gets, the more excited I get about my next trip. I’m looking forward to the happy reunions, the exciting get-togethers, and, of course, the opportunity to savor the tastes of home. Mexico has a unique way of using food to unite people; it’s more than just a meal; it’s a celebration of community and culture.

Not to mention the weather—I miss the sun’s warmth on my skin! I get excited at the idea of changing my winter coat for shorts and flip-flops. I’m excited to enjoy every second of being able to go outside without being weighed down by multiple layers of clothing.

I can’t help but think about how my identity has been shaped by the distinct mixture of cultures as I get ready to return to Mexico. Although living in Canada has extended my perspectives and provided invaluable knowledge, my Mexican heritage serves as a source of pride and stability.

So, as I eagerly count down the days until my departure, I find myself enjoying the contrast of my cultural identity. Canada may be my home away from home, but there’s a special place in my heart for Mexico – a place where the warmth of the sun is matched only by the warmth of its people.

IRJE #5 Every Summer After

In “Every Summer After” by Carley Fortune, Alice, the main character, is thinking about how hard it is for her to get along with her sister Charlie. Alice is thinking about how complicated sibling relationships can be and how their bond stays strong even though they are different. On page 135, Alice writes about what she thinks about being a sister.

“Sometimes, sisters feel like they’re made up of each other’s half-done sentences, whispered confessions in the dark, and shared secrets that bind them together like invisible threads, weaving through the fabric of their lives. It’s as though we’ve been mixed up in each other’s cells from the start, entangled in a tapestry of love, rivalry, and unspoken understanding.” (Fortune, p. 135).

This quote does a great job of catching the essence of sisterhood and the special bond that siblings share. It shows how close and understanding sisters can be with each other; they often seem to finish each other’s thoughts and keep each other’s secrets. The idea of being “made up of each other’s half-done sentences” makes me think of how close and united many sisterly relationships are. One thing I really like about this quote is how it uses vivid language to show how complicated and deep sisterly bonds are in a short but deep way. It hits home for me because it makes me think of how complicated my relationship with my sisters are and how strong our bond is, even when we disagree or have problems.

Personal Response to both Brave New World and Amusing Ourselves to Death

“Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and “Amusing Ourselves to Death” by Neil Postman are both powerful critiques of modern society, especially how technology and entertainment affect our lives and the way society works. In Huxley’s dystopian world, pleasure and distraction are the most important things. Postman’s analysis, on the other hand, looks at how too much meaningless information from sources like TV makes it harder for us to think critically about the world around us. Even though they are set in very different times and places, both works have a lot to do with how hard it is for people today to find a balance between technological progress and keeping meaningful human connections and intellectual engagement.

In fact, Postman’s claim that “Brave New World” has something to do with the present is very moving. There are a lot of similarities between Huxley’s made-up society, where people are constantly entertained, and our own, where a lot of digital distractions keep people from having serious conversations. Both works warn us about the risks of being lazy and uninterested in technological progress. They also remind us how important it is to keep our independence, critical thinking skills, and ability to connect with others in a world full of distractions. Therefore, reading these texts makes us think deeply about the direction our society is going and the values we hold most dear as we shape our shared future.

Food Favorites Personal Writing #5

I love pizza. it’s like a flavor party! Crunchy crust with yummy toppings, each slice is a tasty masterpiece. Whether it’s classic cheese or something exotic, pizza makes me smile with every bite.

Sushi is another fave. Fresh fish, rice, and seaweed dance together in my mouth. It’s like a mini trip to Japan, where time slows down, and all I taste is pure deliciousness.

Let’s not forget chocolate! Whether it’s a dark truffle or a gooey brownie, every bite is a celebration. It’s like a tiny escape to a world of sweetness and joy.

These foods are like experiences in my life, bringing joy and memories with every taste. They’re the simple pleasures that make my world delicious.

IRJE #4 “Call It What You Want”

For the past two weeks I started reading a book named “Call It What You Want” By Alissa DeRogatis, This book has brought me lots of emotions and most of them where of angriness, frustration, and sadness. The main character, Sloane is a young girl stuck with the same guy for years, she can’t get over him which causes her a lot of problems during her young adult life. Since she broke up with  Ethan for like the 20th time, she compares every guy with him and can’t no longer be happy with neither of them. Sloane only wants to be with Ethan.

No one talks about the morning after a breakup enough. Swollen eyes.Waking up— if you were lucky enough to sleep— wondering if it was just anightmare. Realizing that it wasn’t. The pain in your heart re-appearing. No‘good morning’ text. No ‘I’m sorry I fucked up’ voicemail. Nothing. Thatwas your new reality. A cold bed, an empty stomach and an ache in your chest that you fear will never go away.

The quote from the text talks about the morning after a breakup, I related to this quote because I have felt this exact same feeling as Sloane, the feeling of an ache in your chest, unable to breath. I do not want to have this feeling ever again, even though it goes away after days is something I don’t want to experience again.

PW#4 My 17 Birthday!

I hate my birthday.My birthday creates mixed emotions, particularly on November 18. The day brings a sense of guilt and heart pressure, surrounded by the tradition of receiving gifts and hugs. The act of people spending considerable money on me and singing happy birthday creates discomfort, making the day less special to me.

However this last birthday here on Brookes with my friends I actually enjoyed it. It changed the perspective on my birthday. It made me calm down and actually realize the good things. All the hugs, cheers, smiles, and gifts I received made me have for the first time a good birthday experience. All my friends and my family from far away made it so special in many ways and It just makes me be so thankfully for them.

I can see a personal growth in my attitude towards my birthday. I anticipate a transformative shift on November 18 next year, where a big smile will grow on my face, and I’ll appreciate the moment. My perspective has evolved, and I now regard my birthday as a truly special day to celebrate with the people I love most.


IRJE #3 You’ve Reached Sam

For the past several weeks I have read the book of “You’ve >Reached Sam” The book has many quotes then remind me a lot of when I was back home, of missing memories and people and bringing the feeling of nostalgia.

“I listen to the message again. I listen to it on the way home, and several more times before I fall asleep. I listen to it the next morning when Mika comes over and I replay it for her. I listen to it again that night and the day after that. I listen to it on the days I miss Sam most and want to hear his voice again. I listen to his voice mail until I have it memorized, and I don’t need to play it anymore.”

I often find myself revisiting my own experiences and memories. I recall moments that have shaped me, like the melodies of a favorite song that refuse to fade away. They’re the stories I’ve replayed in my mind countless times, etching themselves into my very being.

As the days pass, my own memories become my refuge, especially during times of longing or nostalgia. They are the cherished moments that bring comfort when I miss the people and places I hold dear. Just as with that messages or voicemails, I have them memorized, etched into my heart.

In the end, like the enduring presence of those memories, my experiences and the people who have touched my life remain a part of me. They shape the person I’ve become, and their echoes resound in the way I live and love, in the way I connect with the world around me.

PR #2 All Quiet in the Western Front

The book “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque revealed the harsh reality of war to me. Initially, I had a limited understanding of what war was like and the seriousness of World War I. I was uninformed and had never explored into this subject, but this book truly enlightened me. What struck me the most was the book’s refusal to romanticize war; instead, it portrayed it as a dreadful and senseless conflict that took a heavy toll on the soldiers. The characters endured immense suffering, and it was heart-wrenching to witness their transformation from hopeful young men into battle-hardened soldiers. Throughout the book, it emphasized how young soldiers essentially sacrificed their youth to the horrors of war. Before reading this book, I hadn’t considered this, believing that only adult men participated in war. The harsh reality was different. Men of various ages who knew how to use a gun were called to battle and willingly gave their lives for their country. It made me realize how young men were traumatized, how a soccer ball could suddenly become a grenade, or a toy car transformed into a machine gun.

Additionally, the book showed the circumstances that forced 16-year-old boys into war and how two young soldiers with promising futures could end up taking each other’s lives in the trenches due to the extreme conditions of war. This book significantly expanded my knowledge on the topic, and I am grateful for it. It made me realize the true significance of World War I and presented me the most realistic and brutal perspective on it.

PW #3 Why Christmas needs to arrive.

The anticipation of Christmas each year is a feeling that stirs within me with an undeniable sense of excitement and hope. It’s not about merely wanting the holiday season to arrive earlier so I can bask in the twinkling lights, fragrant pine trees, or the joy of giving and receiving gifts. No, it’s a deeper yearning, one that transcends the festive decorations and traditions.

Christmas, for me, represents a unique season where the world seems to collectively slow down just a bit. It’s a time when hearts open wider, when acts of kindness and compassion are more readily shared, and when a sense of unity fill the air. As the days grow shorter, the chill in the air becomes more pronounced, and the first snowflakes fall, there’s an undeniable and almost magical transformation that takes place.

The holiday season isn’t just about celebrating the birth of Christ or marking the passing of another year. It’s a time when people, from all walks of life and across the globe, decide to be a little kinder, a little more generous, and a little more understanding. It’s as if the collective spirit of humanity reaches its high point during this time, reminding us of our capacity for love and empathy.

I eagerly anticipate the arrival of Christmas because it’s a season that embodies the very best of humanity. It’s a beacon of light in the darkest of winter nights, a time when we collectively embrace the idea that, despite the challenges and chaos of everyday life, there is still a wellspring of hope within us. So, I long for Christmas to arrive early not to rush through time, but to embrace the spirit of love and unity that it brings, and to be reminded that we can carry that spirit with us in our hearts year-round.


IRJE #2 You’ve Reached Sam

The book that I’m currently reading is You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao. This book has many quotes that I represent myself in and it makes me relate to the main character Julie, Julie is a young teenage girl who is passing through many problems in her life making question herself about the reality.

″You end up missing the little things, the moments you don’t think matter- but they do. Moments that make you forget about everything else.”

This quote really impacted me in someway because I related to it. When I was in Mexico I thought I wouldn’t miss the little details like going for ice cream with my family or even watching a movie with some friends. Once Ive been in Canada I noticed that I do miss does little details even if they don’t have anything important, when I get stressed I just remember does small intercations and forget all about my actual problems, just like Julie, she remembers details she had with her partner before he died and how does memories she thought weren’t important are now the reason why she is happy.

PW#2 A Mexican living in Canada

Being in a place where they don’t speak your first language is kind of hard, you don’t have the same humor nor the same cultures or traditions. People use to say that going into an exchange year is easy, that is like a sabbatic year but not in my occasion. When I arrived to Canada it was like a dream everything was easy and I couldn’t believe that this would be like vacations for one year. School started and reality came through, everything was way different that in Mexico, I got desperate and stressed cause I did not understand this new things. The reality is that exchange year is not easy and even more if they use different things such as ManageBac, I hate ManageBac I couldn’t understand it at first but through the last couple of days I have understand it way more. However I love Canada, its normal to feel stressed at the beginning, you just have to adapt yourself to the situation with help of others or just placing way more strength into the situation, through the time goes by everything will fall into place I just have to keep pushing my self.

You’ve Reached Sam

“They say moving on becomes easier over time, but I can barely hold a photo without my hands trembling,” this quote is from the book You’ve Reached Sam and is from the perspective of Julie. I started reading this book weeks ago and this quote captured my eye.

Many people have experienced the struggle of trying to move on from something or someone important in their lives. The quote speaks to the universal human experience of holding onto cherished memories and struggling to let go when the time comes. I relate a lot to this quote because something similar happened to me.

PR#1 They Shall Not Grow Old, Vittoria Barocio

Can something in the past change the present into a different way of living? WW1 had a big impact on the modernized world, it changed it in many ways, and the soldiers who were part of that war changed the world for the better.

Soldiers do not regret going to war, that was one of the quotes the documentary “They Shall Not Grow Old” Started with. This quote symbolizes a lot to me and represents a lot of things in WW1 because it shows how men of all ages, gave their life for the war. Without this man fighting, the world wouldn’t be the same as it is now. We are who are because of these soldiers. At the beginning of the documentary I was completely uninterested, but once I started observing the hard work all the soldiers apported to the war, I understood that they did all of that for the future of the world. The world is so much different, from how it was back then, maybe if those soldiers hadn’t joined the war, and done everything to stop it, the world would still be fighting. I have so much respect for all those people who made the war go to an end, and not only soldiers but also the people who sported in many different other ways; Like women, women filled men’s jobs while they weren’t available, or also the medics, people who took care of all those extreme injuries created in the ear. Overall I’m so thankful for the people who risked everything they had for the benefit of others, without World War One people’s actions we wouldn’t be who we are now.


PW #1 First Canadian Blog

Winter was one of the reasons why I came to Canada. In Mexico everything in winter is so much different than here, there’s no snow and it’s not that cold, however here in Canada is a dream come true. I love snowboarding, which means Canada is specialty in snowy mountains.

Winter is a season that fills me with wonder and excitement. When the first snowflakes start to fall, it’s like a magical moment straight out of a storybook. Each snowflake is unique and beautiful, and they come together to create a soft, white blanket on the ground.

One of the things I love most about winter is how quiet it becomes. The world seems to slow down, and everything is so peaceful. I can hear the crunch of my footsteps on the snow.

Winter is also a time for cozy moments. I enjoy sipping hot cocoa by the warm fireplace and wrapping myself in a soft blanket while watching a good movie. It’s a season for spending time with family and friends, making memories together.

Im counting the days for winter to arrive in Canada, even though we are right now in autumn I want winter to arrive right now. Winter makes my nose turn red making a realization that it arrived, also its starts smelling like cinnamon and pumpkin spice, meaning Christmas is here! Definitely Winter is the best.


The best Mexican introduction by Vittoria

Hola! I’m Vittoria Barocio Gonzalez, Im originally and proudly from a small but revolutionary city in the north of Mexico! It’s called Torreon, there’s not many things to do there but you definitely have some love for that beautiful city. I just arrived to Brookes last Thursday and I’m planning on staying this whole school year. My biggest interests would be snowboarding and basketball.

Of course there are many Mexicans who love reading, thankfully I’m not one of them. I hate reading, and of course I know the benefits of reading but my brain just do not work at reading. Yeah, if I have to read its school related but if I had to read for my own like, I just wouldn’t. Maybe in the future I can start reading at least 10 pages a day, but for today I´m good without reading.

There are many Mexican writers who are amazing and what they do, and of course I’m planning to becoming one of does amazing writers. I come from an American school in Mexico so that means I have to write a lot fun and boring essays, but that’s what makes me grow as a writer. I consider myself a good writer because I have amazing ideas and I love to explain to full detail all the information creating an amazing story.