PR – Romeo and Juliet

Overall, I did not enjoy the play Romeo and Juliet. Starting with the fact that I do not like romance movies in general and this particular movie being at the top of this genre already decreased the chances of me liking it. Some scenes were touching, and sometimes I was curious about what was about to happen. Romeo’s and Julia’s first eye contact was interesting to observe. I think the actors did a great job demonstrating what love at first sight looks like. I liked the main conflict of the movie and how it was resolved. Not that I like sad endings, but this one showed the gloomy reality that not all struggles end happily.

I did not like some of the camera movements. There were a lot of close-ups of the character’s eyes or him looking directly at the camera. These types of things make me uncomfortable. The language people were using is another reason why I did not like the play. There are too many fancy words that have a completely different meaning when you ask about them. I understand why the characters use this type of language, and it is beautiful in some way, but it is not to my liking.

I am glad that I watched this movie after a long time of refusal. I think of this as a chance to finally have a clear idea of what it is and if I like it or not.

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