PW#W2 Everyone is home

You’re 10 years old and everyone is home. Mom is cooking, Dad is cleaning, and your siblings are doing their own thing but everyone is home. You look out your window dreaming of the day you grow up and be alone. You wanted to be older so badly that you forgot to live in the now in the comfort of everyone being home. Now, you are in your 20s and you wish you could go back. You and your siblings have moved out. Your parents have aged, they are trying to get used to the empty house you notice their gray hair and wonder where the time went. You realize there will never be another day you all live together, your siblings aren’t just in the other room, they are somewhere else. Now and then you will visit. But won’t stay. You will never be 10 playing with your siblings again, you won’t wake up and eat breakfast together every morning. You won’t even see each other every day. I long for the feeling of “home”, but I can’t ever return. My childhood is gone pieces are scattered but it’s gone. 

Nobody is home 

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