PR#1 They Shall Not Grow Old, Vittoria Barocio

Can something in the past change the present into a different way of living? WW1 had a big impact on the modernized world, it changed it in many ways, and the soldiers who were part of that war changed the world for the better.

Soldiers do not regret going to war, that was one of the quotes the documentary “They Shall Not Grow Old” Started with. This quote symbolizes a lot to me and represents a lot of things in WW1 because it shows how men of all ages, gave their life for the war. Without this man fighting, the world wouldn’t be the same as it is now. We are who are because of these soldiers. At the beginning of the documentary I was completely uninterested, but once I started observing the hard work all the soldiers apported to the war, I understood that they did all of that for the future of the world. The world is so much different, from how it was back then, maybe if those soldiers hadn’t joined the war, and done everything to stop it, the world would still be fighting. I have so much respect for all those people who made the war go to an end, and not only soldiers but also the people who sported in many different other ways; Like women, women filled men’s jobs while they weren’t available, or also the medics, people who took care of all those extreme injuries created in the ear. Overall I’m so thankful for the people who risked everything they had for the benefit of others, without World War One people’s actions we wouldn’t be who we are now.


7 thoughts on “PR#1 They Shall Not Grow Old, Vittoria Barocio”

  1. I think that this Personal Response is quite nice as it explores topics that were not strictly on the war front, such as how the woman took the mens jobs while they were off fighting and progressed gender roles. It is also very nice how it respects all of the soldiers who were on the front.

  2. I loved that you shared a quote and provided your interpretation. Your explanation about women taking over for men was insightful, and I especially appreciated the recognition you gave to hardworking professionals like the medics.

  3. The honesty of your post was refreshing, I shared a similar experience to you while watching the film. The articulation of your words to express your gratitude was very moving!

  4. I like how you mentioned women’s role in the war! Although I don’t think the war led to many benefits, I’m glad that it allowed for women to take another step towards equal rights! One thing I noticed is that some of your sentences are missing words (for example: we are who are…). Other than that, wonderful job and fantastic writing!

  5. Excellent work Vittoria, I really appreciated how you went into detail on how the war changed the modern world as well as explaining how you felt about the documentary. Although there are some spelling mistakes I think you did a great job otherwise.

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