PR – Romeo and Juliet

So recently we finished watching Romeo and Juliet movie. I might have missed some parts but I think I know the plot. And I’m not really a big fan of this type of movies. The movie itself is good, the actors are good at what they are doing, the plot is good-written, the costumes and the place where this movie was filmed looks really good. But I’m not a fan of romantic movies about love and stuff like that. Its an interesting idea of two groups killing each other cuz they’re enemies for some reason and suddenly two people from both sides fall in love with each other and the sad ending with them both dying, but, as I said, its boring to me. Also it was hard to understand what the characters were talking about because of the old language that the story was written in and I had to take time to understand whats being said. But overall the movie is okay, its just I’m not into this type of stories.

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