PR – Romeo and Juliet

The film adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet” triggered in me a waterfall of feelings and reflections that resonate deeply with the timeless themes of love, fate and tragedy. When I saw the iconic balcony scene, the scene transported me straight to Verona, where the star-crossed lovers grappled with the turbulent forces of passion and society. As I read the book, I was not only captivated by the emotional writing, but I also came across words I didn’t recognize, which were gladfully explained by the side. The prologue served as an internalized prelude to the unfolding tragedy and suggested the inevitability of their catastrophic love. When I presented the prologue, I felt nervous. The prologue had a recurring rhyme that I would stick to and repeat the words I had internalized. But during the lecture and practice, the meanings of uncertain words became increasingly clearer to me. While watching the film in combination with the book, I was struck by the deep empathy I developed for Romeo and Juliet two souls caught in a century-old family strife of love and happiness. Their passion burned, if only momentarily, with an intensity that transcended time and circumstance and left an indelible mark. This play is the epitome of tragedy.

IRJE #6 Magnolia Parks continues

The Novel Magnolia Parks continues with BJ having a bad awakening of his feelings and finding out just how much their love hurts each other. Especially how much he hurt Magnolia and now when he sees Magnolia happy with another guy he notices his pain, which she must also have felt all the time when he slept with other women. 

“That thing in your brain that sounds an alarm: we’re not okay? It’s going off. I’m not okay. I feel like I’ve fallen into a hole. No edge to grab, no end in sight, arse in your stomach, stomach in your throat, heart in the hand of a girl who’s holding someone else’s—just a kind of forever falling, this fucking suspending always falling, which is sort of what it feels like to be in love with her at this point anyway.”  (p.161)

During the scene, you got the impression of feeling the pain of BJ. On the one hand, I felt bad for him but on the other hand, this is what he did to Magnolia more than once. She seems to finally get over the ongoing hurting relationship with BJ. But their love seems to be cursed the way they are still drawn to each other. This endless loop of hiding their feelings, hurting each other over and over again seems as if it may come to an end, leaving BJ heartbroken a dealing with his feelings.

PW #6 – An Exchange Year Journey

In lands unknown, my heart takes flight,
An exchange year, a wondrous sight.
New faces, cultures, colors blend,
Each day a tale, a journey to mend.

From cobblestone streets to bustling squares,
I weave through dreams, shedding old layers.
In every smile, a universe unfurled,
A tapestry of stories, pearls in this world.

Yet, amidst the joy, a tinge of ache,
For time is fleeting, moments we partake.
But memories carved in hearts shall stay,
In the echoes of laughter, along the way.

So, let me cherish, let me roam,
In this exchange year, my soul finds home.

IRJE #5 Magnolia Parks

In the Novel Magnolia Parks, by Jessa Hastings, Magnolia and BJ are written in the stars, just suspended in a strange kind of love that looks like hurting each other a lot of the time. But at the end of each of their sad efforts to get over one another, it’s always each other that they crawl back to. As the “nanny” Marsaili reads the paper she sees BJ and Magnolia on the headline saying:

“On-again-off-again” couple Magnolia Parks and BJ Ballentine caused quite a scene last    night at Annabel’s as the pair ran into one of Park’s many ex-lovers—unnamed—“


“Jealous Ballentine appeared ready for fisticuffs, but the situation was diffused before it went any further.”

“Beej shrugs. “Not bad.”

“Fisticuffs,” I muse.”

“And then there are several photos where it looks like the two of you are together—“   (p.33)

When I read this scene I had to think about the author’s key question “How many Loves do you get in a lifetime”. The situation made clear that the two of them are drawn to each other but can’t properly show it, as they keep hurting each other but also care for each other at the same time. A complex chaos of feelings mixed up in wrong actions and bad timing. 

PR – connection between Huxley and Postman

In assaying Aldous Huxley’s” Brave New World” and Neil Postman’s” Entertaining Ourselves to Death,” it’s apparent how both authors give study-provoking examples of their separate societies. Huxley’s depiction of a dystopian world emphasizes the dominance of pleasure and superficial happiness, achieved through exertion and the repression of individuality and critical thinking. On the other hand, Postman delves into the mischievous impact of mass media and entertainment, arguing that our society’s obsession with recreation results in the trivialization of significant matters and a decline in our capability to engage in meaningful conversations.   

Although these authors explore different aspects of societal control and manipulation, there are inarguable parallels between them. Postman himself draws connections, pressing the resemblance between our ultramodern world and Huxley’s dystopia, where we’re constantly bombarded with distractions that desensitize us to the realities of our actuality. Both authors advise against the threats of an unresistant population, whether it’s through mindlessly consuming entertainment or accepting a destined pleasure-focused actuality. As readers, we’re encouraged to contemplate how our society reflects the themes presented in these books and consider the consequences for our future.


PW #6 – About me

Hello or as some people in my federal state say “Moin” everybody,

I’m Annabelle 16 years old from Hamburg, Germany.

Both my parents are German but used to work in HongKong, therefor I was born in HongKong, but I grew up in Germany. I live in an apartment with my Mother, near my school and the biggest mall in Hamburg. I have two bunnies and a dog at my fathers. I play Golf and Tennis, sometimes with my friends and sometimes with my Mother. In my free time I like to go shopping with my friends or do other activities, like going to the ballet, musical or just going out.   I love to just sit in a Restaurant or Cafe with friend enjoying the afternoon/night. Hamburg is a harbour city, therefore has a mediterran flair and one popular place to go in Sommer ist the harbour beach and the attached restaurant called Strandperle. I like to Travel and getting to know new cultures.

There is not much more to tell about me, but feel free to ask if you have any questions or want to know something.

(A little side not because the topic is poetry, my school was actually named after a fames poet, his name was Heinrich Heine)