Jose Tostado Personal Response to both Brave New World and Amusing Ourselves to Death.

In my opinion, I see a very important connection between Postman’s ideas and Huxley’s novel. In “Amusing Ourselves to Death,” Postman criticizes television’s negative effects on public discourse and intellectual engagement. He argues that the change from a print culture to a visual culture, driven mainly by television, has led to a society more focused on entertainment than on debates which should be discussed or taken of greater importance. Similarly, Huxley’s “Brave New World” explores an imaginary or fantasy future where advanced technology and entertainment lead to a passive, dehumanized society. In both works, there is a shared concern about the possible loss of critical thinking and the importance of communication and individuality in the face of technological and entertainment influences.

Both Postman and Huxley warn of a future in which the endless pursuit of pleasure and saturation of distractions could lead to a society with a huge lack of deep reflection and meaningful connections. The differences between Postman and Huxley are that Postman speaks or interprets history at the end of the 20th century and Huxley’s vision of a pleasure-driven and controlled society in the future highlights the importance of his ideas about the potential dangers of technological progress. which today is advancing faster and faster.

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