All Quiet on the western Front – #PR2

“All Quiet on the western Front” By Erich Maria Remarque is a book of high quality and interesting novel, I’d say this because it is not a basic WW1 book, I like how this book talks about the experiences effect of war in young men. In some of the chapters Erich Maria Remarque would add more feelings and physiology into the novel, which I feel other WW1 novels wouldn’t do, for example, I’d say other novels would consist of action and battles and heroic moments since the start. Thats why I enjoyed some of these chapters, because I feel it helps to understand other chapters and glorify WW1. Another thing I really enjoyed of this book was how Erich Maria Remarque, would make us get to know the characters, physically and emotionally, the author would explain in detail the personalities of the character, and their physical appearance, and after getting to know the character and empathize with them, Erich maria Remarque, would choose their fate, making the reader let go of them harshly, Making us feel how WW1 truly is.

I absolutely enjoy how the author made me empathize with characters and give me a good perspective of WW1. Some of the quotes in the books made me see how hopelessness was WW1, for example ” We loved our country as much as they; We went courageously into every action; but we also distinguished the false from Ture, we had suddenly learned to see” Personally, what I get from this quote is how soldiers realize the enemies aren’t the bad people, that there are just exactly like the rest of the soldiers.

I think this is very well written and it can lure the reader. I enjoyed how this book is, emotional and touching to the reader, I like how the author used and amazing way of explaining WW1 to us in a non-basic way.


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