They Shall Not Grow Old PR

My feelings for the characters and all the people involved in the film is mostly sympathetic, because of the suffering shown to us. They had to eat barely edible food if any, were always with a chance of getting hit or bombed and they hardly ever slept.

The setting was very different to the world we live in today, in their world they had to “be a man” at a very young age, for example; adolescents 16 years or older were signing up in the military and fighting the war, even though they were not forced to join the military until they were 19 years old, some even lied about their age to attend the war and fight for their country. The women had to stay at home and look after the children or if they did join the military they were usually assigned positions of little to no risk, like making the food, being an infirmary, take care of the cleaning, etc. Now women are doing the same jobs than men.

The imagery on the film was very interesting but very shocking to watch, as it depicted the horrors of the war and the casualties, it also showed how they lived their lives and what they did for fun in the war. I think the imagery was necessary to be able to be able to further explain what was happening and how it looked.

The narrator’s tone was neutral most of the time, but the guests always had some sort of nostalgic tone in their voice. I was able to pick that up by the expressions and words they used such as “There were bad times, but nobody regretted it” and “Some even enjoyed it”.

When the war ended it was a totally different welcome to what the soldiers imagined, when they came back nobody was interested in what happened and some were even unfazed by the events. Shop or factory owners did not want to employ veterans because of their traumas or lost limbs, some even excluded the war veterans because they thought they were freaks and insane.

7 thoughts on “They Shall Not Grow Old PR”

  1. Your post it’s interesting because you talked about how adolescents lied about their age just to get into the army, that show us how excited and fulled of patriotism were the people in the beginning of the war.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post, as it contained an abundance of detail, for example, your second paragraph, which compared the setting of the war compared to today.

  3. I love how you talked about the narrator’s tone that he was talking during the film and I really love the quote “Be a man” which made me think in a different way that a young teenager nowadays considers a man or kid.

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