PW#7 Do computer games actually make people violent?

Politicians, parents, etc. always say that people who play computer games are more violent, but is it actually true? Video games can affect the persons mood, it can affect it in both positive and negative way. For example, if a person completes a mission that he was stuck on, or just enjoys game’s beauty, or mechanics, or story, It can make the person happy, energized, it can even motivate him to do something, on the other hand a person can feel sad and devestated after playing a game going back to the boring world, where nothing interesting is happening in their life, that’s when they start to get rude and aggressive. Little kids are especially vulnerable to this, that’s why parents should controll how much time their children spend on games, the mistake a lot of parents make is that they forbid their children from playing the games completely, but that isn’t the right response, parents should set the limitations for how much time can their kids can spend playing video games. Another problem is parents think that characters from computer games will become a role model for their kids and their kids will attempt to do something they saw on screen, but it just doesn’t work that way, if someone plays games about mafia, it doesn’t mean that they will go on the streets and start smashing people with a bat. Video games are made to be able to do something you can’t in real life, it’s like movies, or books, nobody bans them because they have scenes of violence, they just put the age category on them, so what’s the difference between movies and video games, why is one accepted and admired by society and other is thrown rocks at?

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