PW#4 – Curiosity

Curiosity. The word itself, a collection of letters strung together to form a cohesive meaning, conveys little to most and none to some. It is simply that: a word. To me, curiosity is boundless. It surrounds me. No moment passes where I don’t question or inquire, challenge or scrutinize. My brain is constantly whirring, looking for answers to questions I may never find. Throughout childhood, some are told that “curiosity kills the cat,” a cautionary tale to temper inquisitive nature. What if curiosity did not kill the cat, but set it free? What if curiosity led it to new places, new experiences, where it found the answers to unvoiced questions? Truthfully, I believe that it does not act as a threat but as a beacon. Curiosity has been my lifelong companion, guiding me and shedding light on my darkest and most uncertain moments. As a child, curiosity held my hand as I walked through the explorative stages of life. I did not know my own name, let alone the vast world I had been thrust into. It was my constant need for answers, and my insatiable appetite for knowledge, that led me to grow into the person I am today. Now, looking towards the future, I am cognizant that I know absolutely nothing. Nothing of my plans, nothing of tomorrow, and certainly nothing of who I am to become. Yet, paradoxically, this acknowledgement of the vast unknown ahead of me allows me to find a profound sense of liberation. Fear does not drive me; my curiosity allows me to gaze into the future with a sense of wonder and anticipation. The beauty of tomorrow lies within the truth that no one knows. To claim that you know your purpose, or your plans, or even yourself fully, is to confine the nature of human potential within the narrow walls of certainty. I find beauty in the uncertainty, the curious exhilaration. I wonder who I will become tomorrow. I hope my curiosity will forever accompany me. Curiosity.


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