PW#3 Día de los muertos

Día de los muertos in english day of the dead, is an important and recognized Mexican tradition. If you have watched Disney movie Coco, you might have a pretty clear idea of what this day is about. Coco a well known Pixar film called the attention worldwide about this Mexican celebration. What is día de los muertos?

The day of the dead is a Mexican tradition celebrated the 1st and 2nd of November. We honour the memories of the people deceased, it is celebrated in all Latin American countries, specially in Mexico where is one of the most important celebrations. Its a colorful celebration with delicious food like calaveritas de azúcar or pan de muertos (if interested google them).  Families gather to create altars in cemeteries. The altars are decorated with food and things that the deceased liked. Cempasúchil flowers, candles, calaveritas de azúcar, pan de muertos and a photograph of the person you are remembering are indispensable in the altar!

The day of the dead is a cheerful celebration in which people believe the spirits of the dead comes back to visit their loved ones.

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