PW#2 A Mystery Dynasty Xia

Chinese had long history recorded, by this long time zone, the first dynasty they had record was dynasty Xia. To us, it was still a mystery, it was hard to prove this dynasty had existed, it had no words and language that was found yet. The first Emperor in Xia, which was Yu was quite first legend in Chinese civilization.

But recorded on my first personal writing, the civilization must need a common language or the word that was able to speak or written to be founded then it can be proved that it was existed. But we still don’t find word recorded on Xia Dynasty and that was one of the reason that it became an mystery dynasty.

The first Emperor of Dynasty Xia was typically like a myth, when Yao conqueror the China, there was a big flood happened in full China, he gave permission to Yu’s Dad which was Gun to solve the flood. In legend, Gun stole a wall from god he use that wall to block the water. But someday the wall broke, Gun was killed by Yao due to his fail, then his son which was Yu continue to solve the flood problem. He used a different ways to separate water into many rivers and guided them into the sea. After few years, the flood was solved and Emperor Yao abdicate and hand over the crown to Yu, people was thankful to Yu and called him great Yu, dynasty Xia, which was the first dynasty of Chinese civilization was created, which start a new chapter in Asia.

There was a famous story about Yu, when he try to solve the flood problem, he had pass by his home, and he heard her wife give birth to his son. His subordinates all suggest he to take a look but he disciplined due to the flood. On second time he pass by his home his son already knew how to speak simply and waved to him, but he didn’t stop again because his work was not done. Third time he passed by his home his son already about 10 years old and pulled Yu to the home, but Yu declined again he said,”The flood haven’t solve yet, I can’t get back to home.” This is one of the reason that people respect Yu.

Dynasty Xia hadn’t been proved to existed yet, but I believe this blank dynasty will be proved in one day, because this was the start point of all Chinese history and it should be existed.

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