PW #6: Spring break

I just returned back from Mexico from my spring break vacations and I am feeling a lot of nostalgia because something for what I waited so long has come to a very fast end.

Before spring break I was really excited for it because I was going to see my family and friends again and I was going to be back home but now that it’s over I just feel anxious for the school year to finish and I can finally go home permanently. It’s not that I don’t like being here, its just that I really miss everything about Mexico. The warm weather, the cozy family saturdays, the familiar atmosphere, the people, and going back to my routine.

During this spring break I remembered what it feels like to be back in home and with the people you love. I remembered the feeling of waking up and knowing that your family is right on the other side of the door. I remembered what is like to feel bad, have a headache, stomachache, etc, and having my mom right there to take care of me. I just can’t wait to be back.

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