PW #3 Why Christmas needs to arrive.

The anticipation of Christmas each year is a feeling that stirs within me with an undeniable sense of excitement and hope. It’s not about merely wanting the holiday season to arrive earlier so I can bask in the twinkling lights, fragrant pine trees, or the joy of giving and receiving gifts. No, it’s a deeper yearning, one that transcends the festive decorations and traditions.

Christmas, for me, represents a unique season where the world seems to collectively slow down just a bit. It’s a time when hearts open wider, when acts of kindness and compassion are more readily shared, and when a sense of unity fill the air. As the days grow shorter, the chill in the air becomes more pronounced, and the first snowflakes fall, there’s an undeniable and almost magical transformation that takes place.

The holiday season isn’t just about celebrating the birth of Christ or marking the passing of another year. It’s a time when people, from all walks of life and across the globe, decide to be a little kinder, a little more generous, and a little more understanding. It’s as if the collective spirit of humanity reaches its high point during this time, reminding us of our capacity for love and empathy.

I eagerly anticipate the arrival of Christmas because it’s a season that embodies the very best of humanity. It’s a beacon of light in the darkest of winter nights, a time when we collectively embrace the idea that, despite the challenges and chaos of everyday life, there is still a wellspring of hope within us. So, I long for Christmas to arrive early not to rush through time, but to embrace the spirit of love and unity that it brings, and to be reminded that we can carry that spirit with us in our hearts year-round.


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