PR – They Shall Not Grow Old

I have mixed feelings about “They Shall Not Grow Old” after watching it. The movie is excellent and shows many historical details I couldn’t have imagined. For example, there was a time when soldiers would steal footwear from dead persons if their shoes were in good condition.  I was also unaware that troops had time to smoke all the time. I had various ideas and opinions about how the battle would have looked in the past before watching this film. I had assumed that everyone understood what war was, but when I saw how excitedly men and boys went to battle as though it were an exciting adventure, I became confused. The fact that I don’t get overly moved by films and have no idea what it’s like to be at war and constantly hear gunfire is another reason I had mixed feelings after watching ‘They Shall Not Grow Old’. Though I sometimes get terrified when I think of the war in my country, it is nothing compared to what those people have gone through.

4 thoughts on “PR – They Shall Not Grow Old”

  1. I truly understand the confusion you felt when the boys of war were excited about going to war. Why would they be so excited? At the beginning of the movie, the soldiers didn’t know what they were getting into, but we did.

  2. I would like to make a suggestion about this statement from your personal reflection “I had various ideas and opinions about how the battle would have looked in the past before watching this film”. Perhaps explain what your ideas and opinions were about what the battle would have looked like. This would make a more clear comparison to what it actually was like. Other than that I think you did a great job!

  3. I can relate to the confusion you felt when watching the movie. The idea of people being so excited for war is such an outlandish concept nowadays that’s it impossible to imagine millions of people willingly signing up to fight in such a brutal war. I liked how you kept your response concise and direct!

  4. I like that you mentioned how the soldiers used to steal footwear from their peers after they passed away, becuase this shows how brutal and how much war changed them. Maybe before war they would have never dared to do this but in those conditions they had to face all the problems.

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