PR Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is my favorite play from Shakespeare. Reading Romeo and Juliet, watching the movie, and reciting the Prologue has been a deeply emotional experience for me. The story of these young lovers makes me feel sadness, admiration and frustration.

I love that Romeo’s and Juliet’s love is “prohibited”, it reminds me that we don’t get to choose how we feel, but we can choose how to act upon it. Their love was so strong it ended their lives, I think this gives two messages, firstly how powerful real love can be. Second is how vulnerable we become when we love someone, we don’t think straight and every decision is taken with the heart and not mind, as seen in the play.

While watching the end of the movie I realized that sometimes we, humans act as wild animals, we are so intelligent yet so primitive. For example, the war between Capulets and Montagues, they hate and fight each other for no reason, and the only thing that stopped this unreasonable war was the death of both of their children.

Overall, Romeo and Juliet is a strong reminder of the power of love and the destructiveness of hate. It makes me think about my own life and relationships, and inspires me to value love as well as thinking rationally.

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