PR-connection between brave new world and amusing ourselves to death

After reading the two books, I realized that they were more similar than I thought they would be. Amusing Ourselves to Death and Brave New World both warn against the dehumanizing effects of a culture fixated on pleasure and diversion. In Brave New World, a society where the pursuit of pleasure and r fulfillment takes place over individuality and critical thought is portrayed. In the same way, Postman believes that we no longer possess the capacity for meaningful conversation or critical thought since our culture has grown so dependent on entertainment. Both writers provide warnings that living in such a society can result in a decrease in one’s sense of personal independence and a loss of true human connection.

Neil Postman makes a valid connection between his work and Huxley’s novel. Both pieces draw attention to the perils of living in a culture where enjoyment and amusement come first. They operate as reminders of the value of striking a balance between learning and free time as well as the necessity of avoiding the temptation of mindless entertainment. Both Brave New World and Amusing Ourselves to Death call our attention to these problems, making us think critically about our own culture and the potential consequences of choosing light entertainment for deeper, worthwhile activities.

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