Personal Response: “Brave New World” and “Amusing ourselves to Death”

Postman saw a connection with Huxley’s novel and so do I. Huxel’s novel Barve new world talk about a future of humanities where people are divided into Alphas, Betas, Deltas, and gamma. Alphas being the best which are on the top of the chain and gammas on the bottom, the worst. In this fictional world, if a person feels sadness or some other emotion that is not happiness, then they will take some Soma. A drug that doesn’t have any second effect. Postman’s essay Amusing us to death talks about today’s society that all things are made so that it is amusing.

The connection is the television and the soma. If we’re not happy or we don’t feel well, we watch television and in Brave new world say take the Soma. Even Postman says it “Television is the soma of Aldous Huxley’s Barve New World” (p. 111).

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