Personal Response: “Amusing Ourselves to Death” & “Brave New World”

Amusing Ourselves to Death and Brave New World talk and address the same topic, the impact that technology has on society. In Brave New World, Huxley belief that technology controls society. His ideology is that technology makes life easier for us by controlling everything around us, even our emotions, feelings, and thoughts. He introduces to us a world that doesn’t think or worry about anything. A world where  the controllers  dictate each individual’s beliefs, thoughts, and lives. Using laugher and a happy world to take our worries and problems away leading us to an invisible jail. Characters such as Bernard or Helmholtz that are in discomfort with a happily ever after world and want a different world, shows the author’s critics to this utopia.

Postman on the other hand, on Amusing Ourselves to Death exposes his argument about technology specifically television, that all of them comes with a package. He worries about how television teaches us. Changing drastically how we entertain, learn, socialize, and communicate between us. Postman writes a book long essay to inform us about his concern where entertainment becomes the major focus in society. The New Age, where the important information are trivial questions; people in charge are Hollywood celebrities, and no one takes for serious any kind of important matter. Both of this books had an influential perspective on the way I see life. At the end, technology always comes with a package deal, good or bad for our society.  Even though these two authors thought about the same, they express it in a completely different effective way.

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