P. W. #5: My Holidays

This holiday was extraordinary. From the first day I arrived, my two older sisters, and my parents received me at the airport at seven o’clock with so many balloons. I thought I was gonna fly like in the movie Up.

The next day, my dad organized a surprise party to welcome me. He brought a stand of tacos to the house and mariachis, it was a very pleasant surprise. That same night one of my best friends, Valeria, came into my house to bring me flowers, and we head out to a party, with both of my sisters, their boyfriends, which to be honest are like my brothers, and two of my closest friends, Vale and Vickychela. Vicky invited all of us to continue partying in another place with her, but it was late and we had to go back home.

On the 3rd day, I drove to Chapala, for family work, and Tlaquepaque for a posada, it was a really tiring day. On The 4th day Paola, another friend, came by surprise to say hi, and gave me a card and a Christmas present, I started to cry. I just considered myself so lucky to have such nice friends.

That week, I went to Tequila too! It was so fun to drive there, we arrived and ate something and went back to Guadalajara, and suddenly it was Christmas and Ines’s birthday, all of us celebrated her so much! The next day one of my friends invited me and my whole family to ride horses, we ate at my favorite restaurant, and I saw my junior high school besties at Dany’s birthday dinner.

On the last day in Guadalajara, my friends asked me what I wanted to do before I went back to Canada, so they took me to the zoo! All of a sudden 2023 was gone… and even though it was hard, I packed my things to go to Puerto Vallarta, where I would grab my plane to arrive here. We stayed there four days, where my parents only pampered me and made me feel so loved.

It was time to come back, even though I wasn’t that excited. I said goodbye to my family and all of them started crying, magically I didn’t, but what I didn’t know was, that once on the plane, when I was trying to grab some gum, I saw a cute pink notebook, with letters of my mom, dad and both of my sisters. I wouldn’t say this was my favorite Christmas, but this easily makes the top 10!

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