Matteo Eden Personal writing #1 Poem The Girl and the Sand

The trees swayed,

her hair blowing in the wind

like the water in the ocean nearby.

Friends playing,


a life worth living.

Not all find it so easy,

but there is always a way,

no one is alone forever

just not searching hard enough.

The beach is a place where dreams come true,

where friends become family,

and where there will always be a place for you.

The sand is gold,

like the incandescent memory of the girl you love.

The one of your dreams,

where you talked

for hours,

her hair blowing in the wind at the beach where the sand is gold.

– Matteo Eden

3 thoughts on “Matteo Eden Personal writing #1 Poem The Girl and the Sand”

    1. Throughout this poem, I admired the descriptive language and sentence structure. Not only did I as a reader appreciate its poetic structure, but I also enjoyed the way that the poem branches out into two connecting topics while keeping a well-balanced theme. In terms of balancing the idea of friendship and romance, the poem was able to wonderfully keep track of the two without focusing on one over the other.

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