Matteo Eden IRJE #1 Freak the Mighty

I Read a book recently called “Freak the Mighty” written by Rodman Philbrick the protagonist is Maxwell (Max) a giant-sized boy who is not very smart. Max moves with his grandparents to a small town and meets a small smart blonde-haired disabled boy named Kevin or as the bullies call him “Freak”. Together these boys create an unbreakable bond as they work together and keep an eye out for each other.

“I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, and that’s the truth, the whole truth.”-Maxwell

In this quote, Max is telling Gram that Kevin guiding him was helping his understanding of reading and writing and that he couldn’t do it without him. To me, this shows how the boys worked together and put their differences aside to bring out the best in each other Kevin being the brains and Max being the Muscle.



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