Liath (Carrying the Boat) – IRJE #1

I am currently reading a book given to me by my good friend Samuel, titled Can’t Hurt Me by Mr. David Goggins. I can see why people find this book inspirational since it is full of impossible situations in which Mr. David Goggins was forced to endure through. A relatively early quote in the book which sets the tone for the rest of it is,

————— “You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you      —————   will die without ever realizing your true potential.”. p. 32

This quote is very true and made me think about the path of my life that I am on. The author knows that this is true because he has been pushed to and beyond his limits and that never would have happened if his life was soft and comfortable. One thing that is clear to me now is that I have to push my limits in order to find my true potential and lean away from my comfort zones. I am half way done with this book and I have enjoyed it so far, and while Im excited to finish reading it I am equally excited to put to practice the lessons he teaches.

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