IRJE#1 Not one damn thing.

In the book “the CATCHER in the RYE” by J.D. Stalinger, Stradlater, a side character had asked Holden, the main character, to do his work for him, because he had gone on a date with a girl.

All of a sudden, he said, “For Chrissake, Holden. This is about a goddam baseball glove.”
“So what?” I said. Cold as hell.
“Wuddaya mean so what? I told ya it had to be about a goddam room or a house or something.”
“You said it had to be descriptive. What the hell’s the difference if it’s about a baseball glove?”
“God damn it.” He was sore as hell. He was really furi-
“You always do everything backasswards.” He looked at me. “No wonder you’re flunking the hell out of here,” he said. “You don’t do one damn thing the way you’re supposed to. I mean it. Not one damn thing.” (p. 46-47)

Stradlater was angry because Holden had done his work wrong and was saying that he never does anything right. Holden later said to stradlater that he should give the essay to him, just for him to tear it up and throw it in the trash, making them both get mad at each other.

One thought on “IRJE#1 Not one damn thing.”

  1. I think that your IRJE is very interesting and well done, because you explained very well the feelings and his thoughts very well. I find it interesting and it would be nice to know little bit more about the other characters.

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