IRJE #6 Jose Tostado

In the “Art of Losing”, a book written by Roberto Martinez, he talks about how we must lose the fear of taking initiative without caring about the opinions of others. Although much of the book focuses on this topic, Roberto also mentions problems that happen in society today. One of the topics he talks about is how we develop and follow our passions to create our paths.

“We live in a time where we are told that we must choose a single career or passion. However, this decision is something that we can later come to resent, since, if we cut off our other passions to choose just one, the others will remain like phantom limbs, and we will feel that something is missing to find our voice.” (p.191)

For me, this quote is very important because nowadays a lot of people are not allowed to do the things that they like to do and instead, they are forced to do something else just because their parents did it or just because that has to do with their future, a future that they didn’t choose. So what this quote represents to me is that if you like doing something that might not like to your parents or friends or whatever, you have to show them your capacities to create your future by doing the things you like.

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