IRJE #3 Book Lovers

I’m currently reading a book called Book Lovers by Emily Henry. Overall it was quite fun but I’ve noticed that when there is a quotation the author loves to make it as funny as possible. This is one of my favourite quotations from the book.

After paying for my iced Americano at Mug + Shot, ask the chipper barista with the septum piercing for the Wi-Fi password.
“Oh!” She gestures to a wooden sign behind her reading, Lets unplug! “No Wi-Fi here. Sorry.”
“Wait,” I say, “really?”
She beams. “Yep.”
I glance around. No laptops in sight. Everyone here looks like they came straight from climbing Everest or doing drugs in a Coachella yurt. (p.g116)
After reading this I feel connected to the real world and how everyone these days actually needs the internet. Feels like the internet is taking over control of us but it is also in good use for technology and the internet. But sometimes the internet is too addictive. But overall it is quite a funny quotation from Book Lovers. I recommend people who love rom-coms read this book.


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