IRJE#6 Wolf Bane

Wolf Bane is the final book in the series Wolf Brother, or The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, by Michelle Paver. So far, Wolf is being tracked by a demon and ended up on an island out at sea when he got lost and Torak and Renn are going out to search for him. A group of people who lived on the island found Wolf and saved him when they saw him washed up on the beach. They then put Wolf in a pen made of wood so he couldn’t get out. They gave him food and water, but we refused to eat anything. Once Torak and Renn find the tribe, they suspect they are hiding Wolf somewhere on the island. When they ask questions, everyone seemed on edge. They were invited to eat with them and while they were eating, a girl from there tribe couldn’t take it anymore and stood up and said,

‘Why can’t we tell them?’ she burst out. ‘He won’t eat, he won’t sleep, all he does is pace! He’s so unhappy!

‘Who?’ Torak leapt to his feet, nearly braining himself on a roof-beam.

‘Perhaps the child is right,’ mused Chinoot. ‘Perhaps this is why the Ancestors saved them—

Who is she talking about?’ shouted Torak.

The Leader raised his eye-blobs at his discourtesy. ‘Why, the wolf,’ he said. (p. 125)

In this quote, the girl is talking about how Wolf isn’t eating or sleeping. I think this quote is meaningful because it shows how Wolf is clearly in distress, and as she said ‘unhappy’. I find it fascinating that Wolf wouldn’t eat because he misses Torak and Renn. Later on in the chapter when they reunite, Wolf was overjoyed to see them, and after greeting them, went straight to the food.

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