PR – “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

Hi, I’m going to tell you what I liked and disliked about The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. A few things I liked from this ‘book’ were the ghost ship and how the Mariner paid the price for killing the poor, innocent albatross. Things I didn’t like about this book were the way it was written, sometimes it was so hard to understand that I honestly just skipped over completely and proceeded to throw the paper across the room; the fact that the poor wedding guest had to stand and listen to this old man yap for the whole wedding was honestly the saddest part, like let the wedding guest go enjoy himself.

Now, for the recitation… I swear I practiced it, it’s just hard to speak out loud in front of a crowd sometimes. Out of everything we’ve done this term, this was it. This is my #1 opp. I hope we never have to memorize and recite anything again (I know we will have to but I pray we don’t).


PW#06 – #1 OPP

Who is the #1 OPP? Well, #1 OPP is #1 OPP.

#1 OPP is also #1 OPP.. the playlist.

#1 OPP has the best music ever on there (no country because I hate country music) and has trending music too. It is constantly being updated; woo-whoo!

#1 OPP the person, is my mortal enemy, and I’m sure in my next life, they will be my #1 opp again. One time, I was just walking with Lilly and then as we were walking, they went on and called us very bad words in their first language (which Lilly speaks) for no reason at all and laughed at us. This other time, I was in the elevator with other people and they got on and immediately looked at me and were like “Mwehehehe” and then shrugged as if they were so cool.. they are not cool.

I hate #1 OPP, the person.

I adore #1 OPP, the playlist.

PR- “The Story of Joseph”

The story of Joseph was a very easy read as I had already heard the story before as a child, and Lilly did a recap for me. I liked the dream interpretation and how Joseph believed in God throughout all his hardships. At the beginning of the story, Jo’ is hated by his brothers for being the favourite son and not having to do any work. Jo- shares his dreams with his brothers, telling them that they bow down to him in the representation of sheaves in his dream. This angers them– the brothers –so they plan to kill Joseph by throwing him in a pit but thankfully, Rueben, one of his brothers, convinces them to not kill him but to just throw him in (He did this for his secret little plan to come back and save him so their dad will love him more.); I found that very silly because what happens next is that Judah then says they should sell him to Ish’ maelites for money. Joseph definitly did not change in the end, he was very humble and nice.


IRJE#05 – It Ends With Us

It Ends With Us was such a horrible, trash book but it was all so funny and amazing at the same time.
It Ends with Us is a book about a girl named Lily who has recently moved and is getting ready to start her life after college. Lily then meets Ryle and develops feelings for him. The connection between Lily and Ryle is challenged when Atlas, her first love, shows up just as she starts to feel something for Ryle.

Imagine all the people you meet in your life. There are so many. They come in waves, trickling in and out with the tide. Some waves are much bigger and make more of an impact than others. Sometimes the waves bring with them things from deep in the bottom of the sea and they leave those things tossed onto the shore. Imprints against the grains of sand that prove the waves had once been there, long after the tide recedes. p.60

I chose this quote because it really makes me think about all the memories I have and made, and lets me really reflect on the impact they have on me.

PW#05 – 149

I love Spiderman.

He’s my favourite superhero.

He shoots webs.. isn’t that cool?

My favourite Spiderman actors are Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland.

Spiderman’s most iconic suit is red, black, blue, a bit of white, and.. yeah.

Here’s his most iconic line ever:

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

He’s so cool.

Can you guess what the #’s mean in the title?

IRJE#04 – “The Long Game” Elena Armas

The Long Game is about Adalyn Reyes, a hardworking employee for Miami Flames FC offices, and Cameron Caldani, a recently retired professional goalkeeper, their story begins when Adalyn pops the head off the team’s mascot, and a video is released of it, it goes viral. Her boss, who happens to be her dad and the owner of the team, chooses not to fire her but sends her away to some random place in North Carolina where she gets tasked to help the local soccer team.. which happens to be children, who wear tutu’s to practice, and keep goats as pets..

So I resumed my quest, reaching for a panicked Brandy, but I–

Looked down, and found a trail of anxiety-induced poo.

“Oh God,” I said as I veered for the opposite side. But Brandy was still distraught– and therefore, very much pooping all over the place. “Brandy,” I tried again, seeing Cameron dash for me out of the corner of my eye. “Cameron, no,” I warned him, thrusting one hand in his direction and the other in the direction of Brandy. The goat,” I explained, watching how Brandy twirled and head-butted into my side with enough force to push me a step back. “The poo,” I added, stepping on something soft and feeling my shoe slide forward. “The flannel!” I finished, miraculously managing to grasp the jacket with both hands throw it up into the air.

I landed on my ass.

“Jesus Christ Adalyn,” Cameron barked. “Are you okay?”

“Tell me your jacket is safe,” I answered from the ground, blinking at the now dark sky above me. Hmm, pretty. “And I’m fine. Thine goat poo softened the blow.”

My suit on the other hand? Not so much. (pg.152)

I choose this scene because I found the chaos of it all funny, with Brandy getting spooked– did I mention she’s blind?– and pooping all over the pace to poor Adalyn slipping in it and saving Cameron’s jacket. At this point in the book, our two MC’s are now slowly starting to get along !!

IRJE#03 – “Icebreaker” Hannah Grace

Icebreaker is a love story between our lovely university students, Anastasia Allen and Nate Hawkins, a pair figure skater and a hockey player, ironic right?  Their story takes place in California, at Maple Hills Uni.

Anastasia has a knack for planning everything out, so when the hockey players’ arena gets trashed and they have to share rinks, it heavily affects Anastasia’s skating schedule and chance to get into Team USA, her life-long dream.

With Nate’s side, he’s desperately trying to keep his team in check and on the ice as the captain. Dealing with Anastasia and her pair, who is VERY mean, is something he didn’t expect but it sparks something with him and Anastasia.

    There’s only one person I haven’t faced yet and it’s the one person I’ve been dreading. He takes forever-or what feels like forever, at least-to take a seat. He’s in a Maple Hills Titans T-shirt and gray sweats, and I hate myself for being a woman swayed by a man in gray sweatpants. Sh*t. No, there will be no swaying.

“Hi,” he says cheerfully. “I’m Nathan Hawkins.”

“You’re playing it like that, are you?”

He ignores my question and quirks an eyebrow. “And you are?”

“Nathan what are you doing?” I ask, folding my arms and leaning back in my seat. He mirrors me, folding his own arms. To an outsider, we probably look like the least approachable table, which to be fair, we might be.

“We’re starting over. Everyone loves a fresh start, right? Let’s have one. You can’t stay mad forever.”

“I was planning to stay mad longer than forever, so I feel like you’re massively underestimating me.” He starts laughing and I don’t know what to do with myself, because my face is fighting to smile, too.

Pg. 65, at this point in the book, they MCs have already met and are on bad terms, the coaches arranged a team building meet so they would all get along. As this chapter is in Anastasia’s POV, we get to see her make new friends and introduced to the hockey team.

PW#04 – All About Volleyball +Starbucks Rant

First things first, you should buy me Starbucks. You may be asking yourself, “Eva, why would I buy you Starbucks?” well, you should buy me Starbucks because I put my best into playing volleyball and work, (and because I’m broke and I can’t afford Starbucks for myself) so please, buy me Starbucks.. more specifically, the strawberry acai with lemonade refresher.

(Seriously, someone buy me Starbucks, I’m begging.)





PW#03 – Coryxkenshin !!

Last night, while I was doing my homework, I spotted my -younger and only- brother watching someone… CORYXKENSHIN !! I got so excited that my brother was watching him that I jumped out of my seat and ran to the couch to watch with him (I’ll put the link to the video at the bottom for those who are interested). I’ve been watching Cory for almost 4 and half years now, watching his videos are always so much fun. I really enjoy his FNAF gameplay. Cory has been a YouTube since before I was born! He first joined YouTube on April 26th 2009. I think the first ever video I saw of him was a horror game one, Cory also does some cooking videos and often plays with this other creator Dashie. Right now, Cory is in Japan, so he hasn’t uploaded in awhile.

Anyways, someone please buy me Starbucks.

That’s the video me and my brother watched, we bonded a lot ? !!

IRJE#02 – “Hate to love you” By Jenn Bennet

Hate to love you, was written by Jenn Bennet. It’s two books in one; Alex, Approximately AND Starry Eyes can you believe that!?

Between the two, Alex, Approximately was my favourite.

In Alex, Approximately, the two main characters are Bailey ‘Mink’ Rydell and Porter Alexander Roth. For Starry Eyes, it’s Zorie Everhart and Lennon Mackenzie.

Both stories are amazing, this is one of my favourite parts from Alex, Approximately

As I’m licking the cinnamon sugar from my fingertips, I spy a fat orange tabby cat sunning on the sidewalk near the bench.

No. Could it be?

I glance across the promenade. Looks to be a vintage clothing store, a surf shop -Penny Boards, which may or may not be named after Porter’s stupid grandfather- a medical marijuana dispensary, and a café of some sort. The cat stretches. I pull down my shades. Our eyes meet. Am I looking at Alex’s stray cat?

“Here kitty,” I call sweetly. “Sam-I-Am? That wouldn’t be your name, would it? Sweet boy?”

His listless gaze doesn’t register my voice. For a moment, I wonder if he died, then he just rolls to one side, turning a cool shoulder to me with snotty feline aplomb.


“Master and Man” By Leo Tolstoy; ‘To Change or Not to Change?’ PR

‘Master and Man’ was a boring story for me, it wouldn’t be a book I would pick willingly. Tolstoy made a really good story and plot. I feel as though as both of the MC’s should’ve died, it definitely would’ve made an interesting story. Vasili was selfish throughout the entire book while Nikita the complete opposite, he didn’t even think of himself while he was dying. Vasili was obsessed with money, I still can’t believe he tried to work on Christmas holiday! My feelings through-out the book stay the same, bored, expected, and ‘oh wow’; I did feel a bit more when the horse died, I wanted to shed a tear.

The ending was soooooo “A Christmas Carol” coded, Vasili reminds me of Scrooge. I didn’t really like the ending, it was kinda ‘oh wow… expected.’, I was just really uninterested in this book overall.

This story strikes me as more unrealistic, the way Nikita is like a ‘saint’ and Vasili is so money-hungry. The title of the story totally threw me off when I found out it was more ‘Nikita and Vasili as man and God as master’.

PW#02 – What happens when you miss a day?

What happens when you miss a day? You fall behind.

What happens when you fall behind? You have to catch up.

What happens when you have to catch up? You stay up late.

What happens when you stay up late? You get tired.

What happens when you get tired? You lose focus.

What happens when you lose focus? You fall behind.

Don’t miss school guys. You’ll fall behind.

IRJE#01 – The Love Hypothesis

The Love Hypothesis book written by Ali Hazelwood, it was published Sept. 14th 2021.

This wonderful book is about a girl named Olive, a third year Ph.D candidate, and Adam, a professor at the college. When Anh, Olive’s best friend, starts dating Olive’s former fling, Olive attempts to show that she is unbothered. Olive tells Anh that she’s also dating someone, and to prove it, Olive kisses the first man she sees: Adam. This brings them together to “date” and puts them through sticky situations through-out the book.

This is one of my favourite parts from the book, they had started to get more comfortable together in this part of the book now;

 His smile was more uneven than ever. “Where do you want to go smart-*ss?”

“Let’s see . . . What do you like? Aside from tap water and hard-boiled spinach?”

He gave her a dirty side-look. “How about burgers?”

“Meh.” She shrugged. “I guess. If there’s nothing else.”

“What’s wrong with burgers?”

“I don’t know. They taste like foot.”

“They what?”

“What about Mexican? Do you like Mexican?”

“Burgers don’t taste like–”

“Or Italian? Pizza would be great. And maybe there’s something celery-based that you could order.”

“Burgers it is.”


PW#01 – Ely.

Ely. This personal writing is about Ely. One of my silly little monkey friends. She has long black hair, small eyes, mono-lids, pink lips, small nose, thin eyebrows, a very judging face. She loves to judge people and likes to cause drama. She needs lots of attention and help. Ely reminds me a lot of my other friend Tiah; They also look alike (Ely says that’s racist but she said thought I was Asian so it cancels out). Her phone got confiscated by her step-dad because she woke up late. Ely is really funny and every morning she goes straight to the bathroom as soon as she gets to school just so she can see herself. Ely also has a crush on someone really ugly, she has admitted it herself. Ely also has ADHD so that why she’s always spacing out a lot and she has hearing problems.

We love Ely <3

-Eva M

My Dog’s POV of me !!

My owner, Eva, is 14 and is a new student at her new school. Now that she’s at school, she doesn’t play with me as much. She loves to play volleyball outside, reading (she ignores me when she reads.), and she loves hanging out with her friends a lot. She is also a very busy person.

My wonderful owner as a writer isn’t that great.. every time she decides to read it out loud to me, I cringe. Unless it’s horror she’s writing about, then she’s really good; Or if she’s actually got time then she starts writing as if she were making a book.

As a reader, my absolutely amazing owner is amazing at reading. She reads as much as she can, she loves to read lots of different genres like fantasy, history, romance and etc(really anything that piques her interest). She also really likes it when the books are really long, especially when she can speed-run the book and finish it a day. Her reading time is usually 15 minutes to an hour if she’s lucky.

So yeah, that’s my 10/10 lovely amazing wonderful owner who I love so much!

-My puppy Lola xx