Oliver’s IRJE #6

I was reading “The White Tower” when I found this paragraph

“The woods surrounding the small clearing were silent, as if nature was holding its breath. at least, that’s how it felt to Ty as he watched his bother raise his large ash bow and sight down the slender shaft” pg.20

I chose this quote because it sets up the seen and gives you an idea of what’s going on without needing to read to the rest of the paragraph.

Oliver’s PR The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

This story is about how people can act completely different depending the situation and the context. The author uses the supernatural element of Mr. Hyde to emphasize how how a person’s personality can change and look completely different based on the context. Anther way that this story uses supernatural elements is how Jekyll keeps taking the drug even though he can see how obviously evil and self-destructive Hyde is. Even after Hyde kills someone, Jekyll keeps taking the drug until he gets stuck as Hyde. In conclusion, The story The Strange Chase of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde uses supernatural elements to communicate the dual nature of people and the self-destructiveness of addictions.

Oliver’s PW#5 Analysis

One of the many things I like is analysis. I like this because I can learn a lot about everything, like mechanisms or to learn about how systems work. One system I like to learn about is logic gates. Logic gates are basically functions and they take one or two inputs and they either flip it and they have one output dependent on that. I usually use logic gates for experimenting and I like to see what I can make. Another thing I like to learn about is mechanical engineering. There’s a lot of different things you can do with it like how hydraulics work and how other sorts of systems you can make work. I also like robotics and learning how those work. I have not done much with robotics but I have mechanical Lego I can use. I have built some things that can move. I usually look at how the different components are and I just figure out how they work and I sometimes use that to build something. Another thing is how molecules work. I like to figure out how different atoms interact by playing around with a molecule simulator and like to see what I can make with it.

Oliver’s PR to Our Town

The Play Our Town sets up the play in the first act by showing us a day in the town. They do this to establish relationships and use a lot of commentary to tell us what’s going on. They use this commentary a lot and frequently remind us that we’re watching a play. Anther remarkable thing they do is they cast the narrator as an actor. This makes the play a lot more engaging as the play moves on.

This makes the play move in a smooth way, although the acts make the jump a bit each time. To make up for these jumps each end of an act sets up the next, making the plot a lot smoother and making it easier to communicate the character’s emotions. For example, when we go from act one to act two, the first act has just ended with the establishment of a love affaire, which make the marriage way less out of context and keeps the plot smooth. In act two this is also used to smooth over how the characters change, like when George is in the middle of changing before the wedding. This is one of many ways the characters change when exposed to new ideas, such as during act three, Emily completely changes when she realizes that death isn’t the end.

Speaking of new ideas, the ideas introduced in act three create an experience to come away with, and is one of two main conflicts in the play. The presence of two conflicts is one of the things that that makes this play different. The first conflict happens in act two when George starts to change because of the upcoming wedding. The next conflict comes when Emily doesn’t want to forget about her past life, but then realizes that it is better to look forward to the future. This makes the play remarkable because they have two characters who both have a lot to do with each other, but who’s conflicts are separate.

In conclusion, I think that we can agree that this is a truly remarkable play that employs different techniques than regular plays.

Story of Joseph PR (Oliver)

I think that the story of Joseph says a lot about beliefs at the time and the culture and ideals back then.  It talks about ideals such as truth, forgiveness and wisdom.  The plot is also a bit ironic with Joseph going from prisoner to governor in virtually no time.  This makes it more than a bit unrealistic. Another thing about the Story of Joseph is that it is rapidly changing throughout with Joseph quickly going from slave to prisoner to governor in just a few chapters. This makes the story go very quickly. It also uses a lot of emotion to replace to replace details in the simplicity of the plot. Such things occur such as when Joseph is being accused of rape by his master’s wife covers up some of the simplicity in the story, although it was necessary for the plot. Since without it there would not have been the trip to prison which lets the author use the butler to make Joseph meet the Pharaoh which is needed for the plot. However if the author hadn’t used emotion to cover up the plot the transition would have been awkward. In conclusion, I think that the Story of Joseph uses a lot of emotion to cover up its flaws. Although it still has a lot of meaning and can be used as a window into the past to see what culture and society was like back then. I also think that it can still show us ideas & ideals that are hidden in our culture today.

Master and Man PR

One of the things the book master and man makes me think about is how sometimes someone in a lower position can be smarter than someone in a higher position. This is significant because it means that the social hierarchy can be wrong and contributes greatly to many other things. Another thing the book Master and Man makes me think about is what makes a servant a servant and what makes a master a master and why.

Oliver’s IRJE#1

The Traitor’s Son, by Perdro Urvi, is about a boy who is born to a famous person who had, apparently, tried to kill the king and who had led the king into a trap. The boys name is Lasgol. He is trying to prove his fathers innocence and he joins a group called the Rangers who are tasked with protection of the kingdom. Some early foreshadowing as to an explanation that could explain his father’s innocence is the following:

“There are those who can manipulate others minds. Just think, they can make you do things you’d never do.”

“That’s awful.”

“Exactly. They call them Dominators. They’re very dangerous as they can affect peoples minds, making them believe things that aren’t real. They say they can make you fall asleep wherever you happen to be, or take your own life….and what’s much worse, make you take somebody else’s life.” (p.83).

If you look closely you can see the obvious clue hidden in this quote. I chose this quote because it tends to distract you with the description and you end up not seeing the clue that is hidden inside it.

Oliver’s PW#2 Engineering(Mechanical and a Bit of Electrical) and What’s Fun About It

One of my favorite ways to spend my time is through doing engineering. One of the reasons I like engineering is that it’s full of challenges. Challenges are always fun to overcome when their in an area that I like. Creativity is anther important skill when doing engineering. Creativity is important because when doing engineering, you often need to consider new perspectives. Creativity is also often found in engineering because of the endless complexity and new ideas that can be used in engineering.

Anther application of creativity is in logic. This may seem surprising, but logic can be part of creativity. Logic can also be fun because of how you can use it to overcome problems with it. Anther part of engineering that I like is that is like a 3D puzzle. It’s like a 3D puzzle because it’s basically a logic puzzle and it has three dimensions. The reason this makes me like it is because puzzles are types of challenges that I find especially fun to solve.

One of parts of engineering I like is mechanisms. I like mechanisms because of how complex and intrici systems. Anther reason I like mechanisms is that it can be a challenge to assemble them, and as stated before, I like challenges. A second area of engineering I like is robotics. I like robotics because they combine two different types of engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Anther reason I like robotics is that it really brings in how much of a challenge keeping things in place can be, as well as sowing us how dynamic motion can be in an 3D environment.

In conclusion I think that we can all agree that the things I like most about mechanical and electrical engineering are the challenges I face and complexity of things.

Oliver’s PW#1 Graphing Equations

Graphs are cool because you can make all sorts of different shapes, bends and other stuff like that. But probably my favorite thing about it is that it’s a big challenge and it takes a lot of hard work and a long time. Part of it is also that the equations that you end up making are so complex, and the results are kind of beautiful. Also there are tones of different variables that you can add and change. To me graphing equations is a bit like sculpting or any other art, it takes time, skill, and a lot of hard work.

Another part of graphing is the functions. There are all sorts of different functions to explore and many of them are new to me, so graphing also has a bit of an exploration element to it as well. Also, I find figuring out patterns in statistics fun, for example 2^x can be used to represent the number of binary possibilities for a pin or another similar form of security where x is the number of characters in the pin. I found this after using a method where I put the possibilities side by side and then look at the structure they take. So for this one, I figured out that the possibilities would double since there was same amount of possibilities as the last, except that there were were twice as much as the last. Here are the results for evidence; 1=2, 2=4, 3=8, 4=16, 5=32, 6=64. Also I discovered how this equation is different from x^2; 1=1;1=2, 2=4;2=4, 3=9;3=8, 4=16;4=16, 5=25;5=32, 6=36;6=64.

Oliver here

Hello my name is Oliver, I’m originally from Montreal but I moved here to Victoria when I was 5 years old. I love to ask questions and make comments and I love everything to do with science or philosophy. I also know a bit of Spanish and can speak French fluently. I’m also a big fan of arts, especially architecture. Additionally I love nature and am a big fan of hiking. In addition I know taekwondo and do sparing regularly.

An avid reader, I love fantasy-adventure as well as some fiction.  I also enjoy other genres but I don’t like it when the storyline progresses to slowly. So mainly adventure. I’ve read and binge-read several series already, so I prefer series that last longer. I also like to read through interesting scientific books and enjoy taking in lots of information about the designated topic.

As a writer I enjoy coming up with new and interesting ideas and love inspiration. However I’m not great (at all) at formatting my ideas or writing in a captivating way (and occasionally just missing grammar). So my writing didn’t get the highest grades last year, however this year will be a new start and I am looking forward to improving my writing skills. I’m also bad at using writing or literature to communicate in an effective way, so I’m also looking forward to improving those skills. In general my favorite parts of writing being able to come up with new ideas and using inspiration in new and interesting ways.

In conclusion, I do look forward to a new start. As well as improving my writing skills drastically and using and gathering inspiration in new and creative ways.