PR to Our Town

The play Our Town was a very interesting play because the story is very interesting and relatable to a normal individual’s life. I feel that the character that changed the most throughout the play was Emily because she stopped liking George at one point, and then realizes the importance of life.

The play directly and indirectly shows the cycle of life. First, It shows ordinary life which could be translated as growing up and living. Then, Emily and George fall in love; it represents becoming mature, and loving because they are taking the decision to marry and spend possibly their rest of their lifes together. At the end, It shows death. The end of a cycle and how the end is as important as the beggining. The play tells a story, and at the same time, it relates to most of the audience by showing the most common thing in the world: life.

This story made me feel connected to it, and making connections a lot of times with relatable things in real life.


In my book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, persistence is a really important thing in late chapters, and it explains how persistence in business and ordinary life will help you to achieve your goals. Also, that people without persistence will never win.

Those who can “take it” are bountifully rewarded for their persistence. They recieve, as a compensation, whatever goal they are pursuing. That is not all! They recieve something infinetly more important  than material compensation- the knowledge that EVERY FAILURE BRINGS WITH IT  THE SEED OF AN EQUIVALENT ADVANTAGE (Hill, 179).

I chose to share this quote because it clearly states how not giving up will take you places you would not believe. In other section of the book, the author states, “Quitters never win and Winners never quit.” which I liked a lot because is a simple phrase with a lot of meaning behind.

IRJE #5 – The Sisters Brothers

The book I am currently reading, The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt, handles every element with razorlike precision. It is both a mockery of old westerns, as well as a love letter to them, all wrapped up in an egregiously violent, introspective, and darkly humorous piece. I personally love how the book manages more tender parts of the story, involving love that we always know will be short-lived.

“‘Looking up at my face she asked me to take off my coat, which I did, and she pulled a length of bright blue silk from her layers. She tied the sash over my shoulder, fastening it with a snug knot and afterward stepping back to look at me. She was very sad and beautiful, her eyes damp and heavy with their powders and ancient spells. I placed my hands on the material but could think of nothing to say about it.”

This quote precedes a grisly, unexpected scene, and truly shows how much the book can throw you for a loop. As well as this, it shows how the story tries to stay true to classic westerns, with their picturesque love stories intertwined with the main, often action-oriented plot, providing some relief from the intensity that such stories often create.


IRJE #5 Drive Your Plow Over The Bones of The Dead

As I have just started reading Drive Your Plow Over The Bones of The Dead by Olga Tokarczuk, I don’t know much about this book at all. The book starts in a Polish village across the border from the Czech Republic, with our main character being woken up and finding out her long-time neighbor Big Foot is dead.

”Please get dressed. Big Foot is dead.”

I choose this quotation above all others because, like the main character herself, she doesn’t know how to react, what to say, or even what to do in this situation just like us as the readers. We just opened this book let alone encountered new characters for the first time and now one has already died right in front of our own very eyes. Speechless, this was a great start for this book.

Ski Trip 2023- PW #4

Picture this; it’s the year 2023 it’s February 1st at 2 am and you were supposed to go to sleep “early” so you wouldn’t be tired when you wake up at 4 am to go to your school at 5 am for a ski trip, well that was my situation! Unfortunately, I could not sleep because three things were on my mind.                                                 1. Having to go to my middle school at 4 am                                                                   2. The fact that I have to ski tomorrow but I don’t know how to                               3. My recently developed crush on someone                                                                 All three of these things were nagging me so much that I couldn’t sleep especially my third point, but eventually, I dozed off for 30 minutes before having to get up once again to get ready for the day ahead of me. I was seated with my best friend at the time Mari-Ella, we somehow ended up on the same bus as the grouchy teacher and all the loud kids which was not ideal for me and my 30 minutes of sleep but I endured. When we got to Mount Washington we were fitted for skis and off to lessons but first, I had to buy goggles! FOR 60 DOLLARS?! It was an outrageous price but I needed them, so my friend and I, Piper, went to lessons and boy did I fall a lot. As I was sliding down the hill at a very fast pace my skiing instructor was yelling “PIZZA” at me from a distance, once again I fell down and I almost started crying because I had rolled my ankle! I met back up with Mari-Ella and we both collectively agreed we would never ski again and went off to the cafeteria, she got poutine while I just sat there for a little bit until I saw them my crush, who we will for now refer to as Romeo! Me and Romeo were good friends so he came to sit by me and Mari-Ella, soon as more people started to flood into the cafe for lunch. Me and Romeo got quite close until he left to go tell my friend Mari-Ella something, then I started to think about how much I don’t like skiing, yes it was quite negative but man this sport sucks I mean I spent 3 hours on a noisy and stinky bus for this! Soon Mari-Ella and Romeo came back and we took a few photos before we eventually had to leave to go back. While walking to the busses I told Romeo about how uncomfortable I had been on that awful bus and he gave me his pillow and said he would get it back later (we were on separate busses). I then confessed to Mari-Ella I had a crush on Romeo and found out he liked me too, my ski trip experience had just boosted to an all time high! The whole bus to LadySmith which is our rest stop I had butterfly’s in my stomach, the bus was silent because everyone had tired out from exhaustion but could I sleep? HECK NO! When we arrived at LadySmith I confessed my feelings for Romeo, I will spare you the story but I did explode a mcflurry cup by crushing it mid way through confession, the point is he liked me back which was cool. The bus ride back though was crazy balls banana pants! (Ask Eva she was there ;]). All the teachers had gone to sleep so there was a dance party in the back of the bus, phone flashlights were turned on, so was music and everyone was dancing and getting sturdy. Eventually we made it back to the middle school and we all went home! The Dunsmuir 2023 ski trip was probably the most intense trip i’ve ever been on with a roller costar of emotions such as: fatigue, happiness, excitement, disappointment, love, anger, disco? Overall 5 star trip!!!

PR- “The Story of Joseph”

The story of Joseph was a very easy read as I had already heard the story before as a child, and Lilly did a recap for me. I liked the dream interpretation and how Joseph believed in God throughout all his hardships. At the beginning of the story, Jo’ is hated by his brothers for being the favourite son and not having to do any work. Jo- shares his dreams with his brothers, telling them that they bow down to him in the representation of sheaves in his dream. This angers them– the brothers –so they plan to kill Joseph by throwing him in a pit but thankfully, Rueben, one of his brothers, convinces them to not kill him but to just throw him in (He did this for his secret little plan to come back and save him so their dad will love him more.); I found that very silly because what happens next is that Judah then says they should sell him to Ish’ maelites for money. Joseph definitly did not change in the end, he was very humble and nice.



“No, but they’ve got…something.”History, Tally realized. In the city, she’d owned lots of things–practically anything she wanted came out of the wall. But city things were disposable and replacebale, as interchangeable as the T-shirt, jacket, and skirt combinations of dorm uniforms. Here, in the Smoke, objects grew old, carrying their histories with them in dings and scratches and tatters.

This passage uses language description, expression description and environment description to show that things here are different from those in the city, and things here have their own history. The smoky environment description further renders a mysterious atmosphere.

IRJE#5 -Laura dean keeps breaking up with me

The greatest day of Freddy’s life was when she and Laura Dean got together, but nothing has made sense since. Not only is Laura Dean well-liked, funny, and adorable, but she also can be cruel and careless. But their romantic connection is causing Freddy’s brain to spin and her friends find it stupid that she continues returning to Laura all the time.

“What is it like to love this person who keeps breaking up with you, and then presumably coming back to you? What does your love with this person offer? Does it make you happy? Does it give you what you need to be a better person?” P.G 53

I chose this quote because it makes me think about a similar situation I have been in and I wonder whether that if I read this book at the time of my situation and then maybe things would’ve been different, and I would stop seeing my situation in rose colored glasses

IRJE#05 – It Ends With Us

It Ends With Us was such a horrible, trash book but it was all so funny and amazing at the same time.
It Ends with Us is a book about a girl named Lily who has recently moved and is getting ready to start her life after college. Lily then meets Ryle and develops feelings for him. The connection between Lily and Ryle is challenged when Atlas, her first love, shows up just as she starts to feel something for Ryle.

Imagine all the people you meet in your life. There are so many. They come in waves, trickling in and out with the tide. Some waves are much bigger and make more of an impact than others. Sometimes the waves bring with them things from deep in the bottom of the sea and they leave those things tossed onto the shore. Imprints against the grains of sand that prove the waves had once been there, long after the tide recedes. p.60

I chose this quote because it really makes me think about all the memories I have and made, and lets me really reflect on the impact they have on me.


P.S I still love you  


 This book is about Lara Jean a girl who started dating Peter a very popular, who she thought she didn’t had a chance with him. But when Peter braakes up with his girlfriend, Lara Jean and Peter make up a plan to fake they are dating to make Peter’s girlfriend jealous. But they fell in love and started dating until they got in a fight and stopped talking to eachother but what Peter doesn’t know is that Lara Jean still loves him. 


Hope leaps into my heart like Jamie Fox-Pickle leaps into my bed- swift and unbidden. But I turn back around, like Ugh, what do you want now, so he doesn’t see it. 

“What’s that you’ve got crumpled up in your pocket?” My hand flies down to my pocket. “That? Oh, it’s noth-ing. It’s junk mail. It was on the ground by your mailbox. No worries, I’ll recycle it for you.” 

“Give it to me and I’ll recycle it right now,” he says, holding out his hand. 

“No, I said I’ll do it.” I reach down to stuff the letter deeper into my coat pocket, and Peter tries to snatch it out of my hand. I twist away from him wildly and hold on tight. 

He shrugs, and I relax and let out a small sigh of relief, and then he lunges forward and plucks it away from me. 



I like this quote because in the book this is the exact moment in which Peter realizes Lara Jean still loves him . If this part wouldnt have happened they would still be mad at eachother, but when Peter reads Lara Jean’s letter he realizes Lara still loves him.


Last week I went to ski whit my friends, it was really fun, it was the first time without mi family because i went with my friends, the first slope was a little hard for me because it was mi first time skiing after 4 or 5 years, then i did the slpe again and it was easy, then i went to a blue slope with my friends and it was very fun.


  • There is a touching passage in Leo Tolstoy’s “The Teacher and the Man” that fascinated me: “It was getting colder and colder, and Ivan began to shout to his horse, but because of the strong wind, he could hardly hear it. Their sounds…his hands and feet were frozen. “Numblicated, he lost all feeling for them” (Tolstoy, Masters and Men, p. 23). This excerpt vividly It depicts the harshness of the environment and the protagonist’s relentless struggle against the wrath of nature. What attracted me to this passage was its raw depiction of human perseverance in the face of adversity. It reminded me of the indomitable spirit deep within each of us. Spirit, what drives us to keep going, even when the odds seem insurmountable. Tolstoy’s masterful depictions of his characters’ physical and emotional turmoil resonated deeply with me and are a profound reminder of the resilience of the human spirit.

PW#5 Ski Trip

The last week I went with my friends to the ski Trip, it was my first time doing snowboard and also the first time whithout my family, some friends help me to improve fast, first I went to a green to get warm and to see how i was feeling with the snowboard, I fall to many times, but I really like it, before I went to a blue slope 3 of my friends have more exprerience doing snowboard so they teach me how do not fall, it was so funny, I really like this experince.

PW#5 Ski Trip

1 week ago, I went to ski for the first time without my family. My friends and I started to Ski in a green slope to warm up. I consistently had to wait for them because I had more experience. I watched some of my friends fall, which was really funny. Then, I convinced them to go to black slopes. We kept falling because it was very inclined. A normal slope took like 20 minutes to go down, but the harder ones took us about 30 to 40 minutes, for we kept falling.

PR to Our Town

“Our Town” is a book written by Thornton Wilder. It is a very simple book and very ordinary at first, the charachters, the town, and what happens on the book is nothing unusual at first. I personally liked the book and at first things are very ordinary, Emily and George get married live happy and when the book starts to end and Emily dies thing start to get more intresting. I think its a great book and play that talks about life. I liked the meaning of the story and the point of views of the charachters. I think its great how the charachters start to aprecciate life when they lose it and the message this books gives you i personally liked it a lot. To aprecciate life and be grateful for it its a message that i liked about this book and i think this has been one of my favorite books to read in English Class with a good meaning and i enjoyed reading it.


In the Play “Our Town” (by Thornton Wilder), we see the two main characters (Emily and George) change significantly throughout the story:

The book centres on their childhood, teen ages, living together, and the death of Emily. She died during childbirth of her second son, at only 26. She then sees how all of her relatives are waiting for her, all dead. She then wishes to go back to her 12th birthday, she sees her young mother, father, and the rest of her family. After finding out his wife is dead, George is seen weeping by her grave, as the scene ends with the sky clearing up from the rain with beautiful stars coming out over the town Grover’s Corners.

Once I had finished reading the book, I reflected on it by seeing how it resembles our lives. Most people seem to forget the value of what they have, own, or kept, until they lose it. Now, this is relative to me in a way, since I have lost my grandfather after he failed to beat cancer (he was one of the many fallen but glorious Chernobyl Liquidators, whom have lost their lives fighting with an invisible enemy, and although they didn’t survive the battle, they have won the war, reducing the amount of radiation significantly.



PR to “Our Town”

Our Town is written by Thornton Wilder. It’s a book about some pretty simple normal lives, but a few years later when all the main characters are “spirits/ghosts” their lives become quite abnormal with time travelling back to previous events to relive the beautiful moments of life. One part that I would like to focus on is when Emily, the deceased wife of George Gibbs, travels back in time to her 12th birthday. She goes back to appreciate the good times, but as she watches everything thing happen, she says that everything is happening too fast, and knowing how she is due to die in 14 or more years, she sees as no one is appreciating the little time they have. In this you can see the change within Emily, on her perspective on life, hence the Category “To Change or Not to Change”. It made me a bit happy seeing how Emily changed her view on life (all it took was death haha), the sad thing though is that she didn’t love it while she was there, and time flew by, and once she passed, she started to miss the beauty of the world.

“Our Town” PR

Our Town was a wonderful story, exploring the lives and deaths of those living in a quiet little town. It is minimalistic both in its concept and setting, however the story meanders along with a surprising amount of depth and development. As it is intended to be a play, it is mainly dialog, with a narrator (who is a main character) explaining the quaint town and its past, as well as its future.

In my opinion, character development is one key part of the play. It shows how unstable one’s life can be, while also pointing out how oneself is still kept intact after all the changes in life. In my opinion, we saw the most change in Emily, although that may just be since she was a main character As she grew to love George, and as he grew to love her, they both changed just slightly, with both becoming more mature, and losing some of their childlike joy, and after she died, that joy was lost altogether.

The most important (in my opinion) facet of the story is most definitely it’s view on mortality. Within the story, death is treated without much regard. There is still grieving and such, however it is displayed in a startlingly nonchalant way. Nearing the end of the story, the spirits of the inhabitants of the town all begin to converse with each other. It is revealed that Emily died during childbirth, and George’s mother has also passed. As people visit their graves, they converse about life, painting it as an existence of ignorance. Emily figures out she can relive her memories, as well. She is strongly advised not to, however does it anyways, and comes back devastated, realizing her experiences will never be the same. I felt that this story was very good. It definitely was gripping at times, and really painted a picture of how life and death intertwine. I believe it was a great story, masterfully executed, and as simple as it needed to be.

PR “Our Town”

Our Town, by Thornton Wilder, When I first started reading Our Town by Thornton Wilder, I was immediately struck by the simplicity and charm of the play. The setting of a small town in New Hampshire felt familiar and relatable, The way Wilder introduces the characters and their daily lives with minimalistic dialogue and stage directions creates a sense of authenticity. It was easy to imagine the bustling streets, the gossip shared at the kitchen tables, and the overall tight-knit nature of the community. From the very beginning, I felt a connection to the world Wilder had created, and it left me eager to continue delving deeper into the story.

Our Town follows the lives of the Gibbs and Webb families in the small town of Grover’s Corners. The first act introduces the daily life of the town, with focus on the young protagonists George Gibbs and Emily Webb. The second act explores their love and eventual marriage. In the third act, Emily has died and joins the dead in the cemetery, where she learns the true value of life. The play emphasizes the fleeting nature of human existence and the importance of cherishing every moment.

IRJE#5 ‘Viper’s Daughter’

‘Viper’s Daughter’ is the seventh book in the series ‘The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness’ written by Michelle Paver. The series is mainly about a boy named Torak and his friends Renn and Wolf. Torak is clannless and can communicate with wolves. He found Wolf when he was 12 summers old, and Wolf was a cub. His father had just been killed by a Demon Bear and Wolf had been abandoned. Later into the first book he met Renn of the Raven Clan, and they became friends. The stories follow their adventures and revolves around Torak’s mission to defeat the Soul Eaters, a group of powerful mages who only want to destroy all life in the forest.

‘I left so that I wouldn’t hurt you’…’You couldn’t have hurt me more than you did when you left’ (p. 78)

This quote was in the seventh book said by Renn and Torak. Renn ran north and left Torak behind because she thought she was harmful. She kept thinking she would hurt Torak because she felt someone trying to take over her body. Every time Renn fell asleep she would have a dream that involved hurting Torak in some way. She was trying to go to the ‘Edge of the World’ and once Torak realised she had gone, he went after her with Wolf. I like this quote because it shows that you can emotionally hurt people when you’re trying to not to hurt them at all.

PR to “Joseph”

The story of Joseph follows a 17-year-old as he grows through many troubles such as being sold into slavery by his brothers, almost killed by his brothers, and spending years in prison, until he eventually becomes a powerful figure in Egypt. But did Joseph change or not? I believe that over the years as we saw Joseph grow from all of his endeavors, of course, he changed! As we saw him grow more mature, at least mature enough to practically rule a country and its food supply, we saw him grow from an immature little tattletale to a good man with a family, power, and wealth.  I have read “Joseph’s Story” before while studying the Torah, so this story is quite familiar to me. I quite like historical stories from religious texts because it is always so interesting to read about what a religion believes in and what its “history” is. I honestly quite liked rereading the story of Joseph because I’ve honestly always loved this specific story from Jewish/Christian text. Overall this story has a good rating from me.


Deep in the alley is a noodle shop, and the owner is an old man.

The old man has white hair and is lean. When he was sitting leisurely on the front steps smoking, through the misty smoke, I could clearly see the vicissitudes of life in his turbid but profound eyes.

Noodle shops don’t have signboards. Every early morning, before people in the alley get up, the door of the noodle shop opens. The incense flowed out from the small door and spread to the windowsill of every house. As a result, people were dragged out of their sleep by the fragrance, walked into the shop, sat at the table, and waited for their bowl of fragrance. Only then did I realize: If this store had a sign, it would be vulgar.

PW #5

The Fifth Personality is a Asymmetrical Battle Arena game developed by NetEase and launched on April 2, 2018. Players take on the role of detective Orpheus, who, after receiving a mysterious commission letter, enters the infamous manor to investigate a missing persons case. In the course of evidence investigation, the player as Orpheus will use the deductive method to review the case. In the case review, the player can choose to play the role of regulator or survival, launched a fierce confrontation. And in the process of investigation, as we get closer to the truth, we find more and more incredible truths.

PW Our Town

When reading this script, there is a very simple, plain feeling. The three acts of the book describe the daily life, marriage and death of all the people in the small town. As I watched it, I was reminded of my first play at McCarter – Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. Both plays have a very strong family ethic line, which makes people look like they don’t bother to watch Shakespeare, but they can also feel the taste of it.
There are no gorgeous sentences in this book, but the author is able to use simple dialogue to reflect the calm, simple and small touching of everyone in this simple, step-by-step town. When George and Emily are about to get married, Emily’s father and her mother begin to yearn for their own wedding day. He said that although he had never seen her before, when he saw her coming he thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. I have tears in my eyes when I see this. Harmony!
I think Our Town is a very good play. It’s also fun to read, using the story of a simple town to represent the classic American countryside. Seeing Emily’s death from the perspective of a bystander may also be an inspiration for readers.

Our town

I felt that in the story Emily Changed, set in Gloverstowe Cemetery, it showed the fragility of life and the reflections people have on their deathbed.

The character Emily in the story returns to the cemetery after her death and develops a profound understanding of life and death, and realizes that people do not cherish time. Emily travels back in time, experiences some of the ordinary and trivial moments in her life, and realizes the importance of every day in her life.

She warns other characters to cherish the moment and not get lost in busyness and trivial matters.

PW Our Town by: Thornton Wilder

Our Town by Thornton Wilder, is filled with characters with the exact purpose of showing us as an audience how much people in their day-to-day lives change and evolve. As this is a play, it is divided into three acts with them all mainly focusing on Emily. The first covers her childhood, the second her marriage to George, and the third her final resting place in the town’s graveyard. Emily little by little with each act, undergoes physical changes more present than any other character. This shows us how we are also changing as the story goes on without knowing.

The second most significant transformation in this story is Emily’s husband George Gibbs. After becoming the town’s high school baseball star, he starts to change for the worse in Emily’s eyes. Conceited, annoying, stuck up all words she would have used to describe her unknown future husband-to-be. Nonetheless, George, once more changes again after finding out how Emily is feeling, going as far as to change his mind around Agriculture School because he wants to keep Emily happy as before. This in and of itself shows us It’s always possible for a person to change multiple times, and a person’s character is never final.

Overall I didn’t mind this book, it was well-patience, fit with this unit, and generally was great as a play. However, unlike some people in the class, I found myself falling asleep at some points without trying because of how boring it was. I do not care for any of the characters so all the secret plot twists and turns for example Emily’s death did not do anything to me. As a person who lives in Sooke (right outside of Langford if you don’t know) because this is based on a ”normal rural life” this could have contributed to the fact of why I was so bored so take whatever I write with a grain of salt.


PR “Our Town”

“Our Town” is a very out of world and place play (literally), with a very extraordinary narrator, who narrates the play in a interesting manner of where he tells us what the future beholds at random spots in the story. Most would say, that for an interesting character would be one we have followed, like Ms. Webb, or Emily, or the aforementioned Narrator, but i would like to point out how Simon Stimson quite changed a lot, even for appearing very few times and late in the book, Simon Stimson changes quite well.

The first time we see Simon Stimson is during a choir practice, where they sing “Blessed be the tie that binds” in which he is partly drunk and directs the choir to be “softer” which then leads to a fit of him yelling at them in rage. we later learn that Simon Stimson is a raging alcoholic in the words of Mrs. Soames “To have the organist of the church drunk and drunk year after year.” and Mrs. Webb “Its getting better. i have been in that choir twice as long as you have.” suggesting that Simon Stimson, despite having a despisable alcoholic attitude now, was even worse back then. The next time we see Simon Stimson is when he walks out from the bar, but he doesn’t say or do anything too strange that tells us more than we know already, and so, skipping that scene we arrive at the graveyard in Act III. In act III we learn that Simon Stimson hung himself in an attic, suggesting that his alcoholism was probably a sort of grief or internal depression that soon sent him spiraling into a quick mess. Despite knowing this, in the graveyard Stimson seems to change, from when before he was a anger-induced alcoholic and now he seems to have a almost softer way of heart and more normal interaction with other characters. The first thing Simon Stimson said is “I am always uncomfortable when they’re around” but he does not say it in a disgusting matter, almost in a nonchalant way. when Mrs. Soames says that life was wonderful, Simon Stimson glances at her and gives a quick comment with “Wonderful, was it?” which could reference his life with alcoholism, but it almost felt a little quiet, like he did not mean it in a condescending or judgmental way, it felt like a simple question, to me at least. When Emily arrives as a dead soul, Simon Stimson is not bitter or sour or weird, he asks “How do you do, Emily.” in a firm manner, but never in a bite or bark. it really is a step up from the suffering and yelling, because now, although a little firm in words, he more or less seems content and reasonable. When Emily comes back from reliving a quick part of a day from the past, Simon Stimson talks about how she now knows about what it was like to be alive and human, to live in ignorance and waste time like you had immortality, and that was the happy existence one wants to go back to, ignorance and blindness. he seems almost a slight cruel with it, but he also seems more dreamful then ever, to have died and then realized, he should have taken that opportunity of life and got better, instead of being so ignorant, so blind to the world around him.

‘Our Town’: PR

Overall, I think that Our Town is a nice, quickly paced, and interesting play. I say this due to the fact that Emily’s life is essentially compressed into only about 80 pages of writing, whilst talking about other characters and events that happened in the play. Because of this, the play only briefly touches on details about each of the character’s lives because the book is so short. Personally, I don’t really like the fast pace in this book. I prefer to have lots of extra descriptions and gazes into each of the character’s lives before getting into a play. When something happens in the play, I have those extra descriptions about each of the characters, so I can go “Maybe this character did this because of [fill in the blank]”. Besides the pace, I enjoyed the play. Something that stuck out to me in the play is that Emily was under the impression that George had almost distanced himself from her, indirectly, because she believed he got too busy with baseball and other people to spend time with her. I think that later in the play, George ultimately tried to change for Emily, by not going to Agriculture School and instead taking over his Uncle’s farm so he could stay close to Grover’s Corners, to make it easier to spend time with Emily. It was sad to hear that she died from childbirth near the end of the play after getting married to George.

Another element that stuck out to me was the improvisation used in the video of the play. The props used in the video were minimal, and most things in the video were mimed rather than being an actual prop. I haven’t really seen this often, so it was interesting to see how realistic they made the props since they weren’t even there. For some remarks about Emily, I think that she was a genuine, kind character in the play. Reason being, she really cared about George, and I think she showed this when they had that talk in the middle of the play. When she shared her concerns to George, it showed she cared because most people wouldn’t do that unless they did. If she hadn’t cared about George, she wouldn’t have voiced her concerns, and George wouldn’t be able to accommodate those concerns.

Overall, ‘Our Town‘ is a nicely written, eye-opening piece. It is very well done.

Oliver’s PR to Our Town

The Play Our Town sets up the play in the first act by showing us a day in the town. They do this to establish relationships and use a lot of commentary to tell us what’s going on. They use this commentary a lot and frequently remind us that we’re watching a play. Anther remarkable thing they do is they cast the narrator as an actor. This makes the play a lot more engaging as the play moves on.

This makes the play move in a smooth way, although the acts make the jump a bit each time. To make up for these jumps each end of an act sets up the next, making the plot a lot smoother and making it easier to communicate the character’s emotions. For example, when we go from act one to act two, the first act has just ended with the establishment of a love affaire, which make the marriage way less out of context and keeps the plot smooth. In act two this is also used to smooth over how the characters change, like when George is in the middle of changing before the wedding. This is one of many ways the characters change when exposed to new ideas, such as during act three, Emily completely changes when she realizes that death isn’t the end.

Speaking of new ideas, the ideas introduced in act three create an experience to come away with, and is one of two main conflicts in the play. The presence of two conflicts is one of the things that that makes this play different. The first conflict happens in act two when George starts to change because of the upcoming wedding. The next conflict comes when Emily doesn’t want to forget about her past life, but then realizes that it is better to look forward to the future. This makes the play remarkable because they have two characters who both have a lot to do with each other, but who’s conflicts are separate.

In conclusion, I think that we can agree that this is a truly remarkable play that employs different techniques than regular plays.

PR “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder (1938)

“Our Town” by Thornton Wilder I found was a fast-moving book. In the three acts they talked mainly about Emily’s childhood, then her marriage to George, and then her funeral. Because the book was based off a play, I found that the describing where everything and everyone is, was helpful for me to imagine the scene better. I enjoyed watching the movie whilst following along in the book.

In ‘Our Town’, I think George Gibbs changes after becoming a ‘high school baseball star’ which Emily doesn’t like so much. He stopped speaking to people, even his own family, and was getting conceited and stuck up. George also changes his mind when he decides not to go to Agriculture School because he wants to spend more time with Emily, but he will continue to eventually take over his uncle’s farm. Simon Stimson never seemed to change throughout the entire play. He lived a drunk and died a drunk. There were only a couple town drunks in Grover’s Corners, and he seemed to be the towns gossip. During the book, I was wondering why no one ever tried to help him when everyone knew about his troubles.