Oliver’s PW#5 Analysis

One of the many things I like is analysis. I like this because I can learn a lot about everything, like mechanisms or to learn about how systems work. One system I like to learn about is logic gates. Logic gates are basically functions and they take one or two inputs and they either flip it and they have one output dependent on that. I usually use logic gates for experimenting and I like to see what I can make. Another thing I like to learn about is mechanical engineering. There’s a lot of different things you can do with it like how hydraulics work and how other sorts of systems you can make work. I also like robotics and learning how those work. I have not done much with robotics but I have mechanical Lego I can use. I have built some things that can move. I usually look at how the different components are and I just figure out how they work and I sometimes use that to build something. Another thing is how molecules work. I like to figure out how different atoms interact by playing around with a molecule simulator and like to see what I can make with it.

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