In the Play “Our Town” (by Thornton Wilder), we see the two main characters (Emily and George) change significantly throughout the story:

The book centres on their childhood, teen ages, living together, and the death of Emily. She died during childbirth of her second son, at only 26. She then sees how all of her relatives are waiting for her, all dead. She then wishes to go back to her 12th birthday, she sees her young mother, father, and the rest of her family. After finding out his wife is dead, George is seen weeping by her grave, as the scene ends with the sky clearing up from the rain with beautiful stars coming out over the town Grover’s Corners.

Once I had finished reading the book, I reflected on it by seeing how it resembles our lives. Most people seem to forget the value of what they have, own, or kept, until they lose it. Now, this is relative to me in a way, since I have lost my grandfather after he failed to beat cancer (he was one of the many fallen but glorious Chernobyl Liquidators, whom have lost their lives fighting with an invisible enemy, and although they didn’t survive the battle, they have won the war, reducing the amount of radiation significantly.



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