Ski Trip 2023- PW #4

Picture this; it’s the year 2023 it’s February 1st at 2 am and you were supposed to go to sleep “early” so you wouldn’t be tired when you wake up at 4 am to go to your school at 5 am for a ski trip, well that was my situation! Unfortunately, I could not sleep because three things were on my mind.                                                 1. Having to go to my middle school at 4 am                                                                   2. The fact that I have to ski tomorrow but I don’t know how to                               3. My recently developed crush on someone                                                                 All three of these things were nagging me so much that I couldn’t sleep especially my third point, but eventually, I dozed off for 30 minutes before having to get up once again to get ready for the day ahead of me. I was seated with my best friend at the time Mari-Ella, we somehow ended up on the same bus as the grouchy teacher and all the loud kids which was not ideal for me and my 30 minutes of sleep but I endured. When we got to Mount Washington we were fitted for skis and off to lessons but first, I had to buy goggles! FOR 60 DOLLARS?! It was an outrageous price but I needed them, so my friend and I, Piper, went to lessons and boy did I fall a lot. As I was sliding down the hill at a very fast pace my skiing instructor was yelling “PIZZA” at me from a distance, once again I fell down and I almost started crying because I had rolled my ankle! I met back up with Mari-Ella and we both collectively agreed we would never ski again and went off to the cafeteria, she got poutine while I just sat there for a little bit until I saw them my crush, who we will for now refer to as Romeo! Me and Romeo were good friends so he came to sit by me and Mari-Ella, soon as more people started to flood into the cafe for lunch. Me and Romeo got quite close until he left to go tell my friend Mari-Ella something, then I started to think about how much I don’t like skiing, yes it was quite negative but man this sport sucks I mean I spent 3 hours on a noisy and stinky bus for this! Soon Mari-Ella and Romeo came back and we took a few photos before we eventually had to leave to go back. While walking to the busses I told Romeo about how uncomfortable I had been on that awful bus and he gave me his pillow and said he would get it back later (we were on separate busses). I then confessed to Mari-Ella I had a crush on Romeo and found out he liked me too, my ski trip experience had just boosted to an all time high! The whole bus to LadySmith which is our rest stop I had butterfly’s in my stomach, the bus was silent because everyone had tired out from exhaustion but could I sleep? HECK NO! When we arrived at LadySmith I confessed my feelings for Romeo, I will spare you the story but I did explode a mcflurry cup by crushing it mid way through confession, the point is he liked me back which was cool. The bus ride back though was crazy balls banana pants! (Ask Eva she was there ;]). All the teachers had gone to sleep so there was a dance party in the back of the bus, phone flashlights were turned on, so was music and everyone was dancing and getting sturdy. Eventually we made it back to the middle school and we all went home! The Dunsmuir 2023 ski trip was probably the most intense trip i’ve ever been on with a roller costar of emotions such as: fatigue, happiness, excitement, disappointment, love, anger, disco? Overall 5 star trip!!!

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