In the book “I am Algonquin”, the book depicts the life of the tribe, its history, wars, and the life of a Chief and Great Warrior, Mahingan.

“Fellow Family Heads and Chiefs, I do not think that our enemies from the North have come to wage war on us, because if that was their plan they wouldn’t be so Obvious about their presence”, Mahingan (p.102).

 Later that day, Mahingan was told by the people that they are here to see him, so he was called to greet them. Turns out Mahingan was right, and the people from the North didn’t want to wage war, instead they wanted to play lacrose, which would decide if the people from the North could hunt here or they Should leave. 

At the current point of the book, both tribes are getting ready for this game, preparing sticks, lodges for the injured in battle (of the game) and obtaining loads of food for both of the tribes.

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