(IRJE #1)The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries is a book written by L.J. Smith and published on March 15, 2011. This book is about a girl named Eleana and her parents died in a car crash with her in it but she didnt die because a vampire saved her. Early on she dates one of the Vampires and finds out what happens. My favorite paragraph from the book is.


“Matt held his flashlight steady while Meredith searched for a light switch. finally, the scene before them was illuminated: the altar from the front of the room lay on its side the bowl of blood smashed a few feet away. Extinguished torches had left long lines of greasy black smoke smeared on the walls. Vampire bodies lay limply in pools of sticky, half dried blood, their throats torn by Damon’s or Stefan’s fangs.”


I really like this paragraph because when Matt walks in on his two friends he sees who they really are or who one of them really is, and Meredith is also a vampire so she is scared because she doesn’t know what will happen to her from either Damon or Stefan.

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