
Yesterday, after a long day filled with an Exam, and some other tiring subjects, I sat in the car with my Siblings and my Father. My Father had to take work to a Dental Lab, so we kind of sat there and did nothing. After a bit of time, we heard somebody tapping on our trunk, and upon me turning around, I was met with the sight of my now new PC (Personal Computer), which my dad has gotten from the owner of the Dental Lab (I believe). Since my other computer is 11 years old, having a computer that’s younger is always a pleasure (it is from the 2010 s). It has a Core 2 Duo E7300, which is faster than a Core 2 Quad (Q6600) I used to have. Despite this being nearly rocket science to you (since you fail to understand the terminology and why I am excited for getting such an old pc) I will only have to say that since I grew up with low powered and weak computers, the best I could do is learn about them and try to create one which would suit my needs. Despite having a Dual Core CPU (Central Processing Unit) it has a Download speed over 36 times faster and Upload 8 times faster than my Old Computer. I am very thankful to that Person, and now I am planning to create a sleeper Steampunk Build with this new piece of old technology.

-Iaroslav Pyrozhok

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