PW#4 Boarding schools

In 2021, I made the decision to go from Guadalajara, Mexico to a boarding school in Florida. I was tired of my school in mexico and wanted to try new things, so I made the admission process and was accepted in the middle of the year. In January, I arrived at  the school and was so nervous that my English was failing, so everything I knew at the moment was “hello” and that is the only thing I said my first day. The next day, I was explained with how the school worked and got a tour of the school. By that moment my  English returned to normal but not as good. I went into my first class with a nice welcoming from my classmates who some of them will become my friends. I specially liked the sports in the school and did almost all of them. Now I am in the complete opposite warm, wet climate from Florida to a really cold, windy cimate here in Victoria, but so far, I’m really liking it.

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