
I have wanted to dye my hair blue for a long time (around three months) and I was thinking about doing it yesterday at 2:30pm, so I started pitting the bleach on (after finishing putting it on (I finished the whole bottle and it took me about two or three hours to putt it on and take it off) then I went to save on foods for more bleach because it wasn´t enough and I bought two more bottles then I use them both until they were empty and sill wasn´t enough but at that time I couldn´t go out anymore, it was around ten or eleven o´clock and supposedly after six I can´t go out unless it´s the weekend but  it was Sunday and the next day I have classes  and if I continued, the smell wasn´t even going away and it could be dangerous for me and my roommate, so I couldn´t on the color anymore and the next day I had to go to school with beached hair (it looked horrible) and today after school I decided to put on the color, and it looked very bad, it only turned darker, it looks very ugly, on Wednesday or in the weekend I will go to a hair salon to fix it.

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