
This weekend was wild and I’m going to tell you all about. This week was Thanksgiving. But before we talk about our big feast, I have to talk about how we got there, so right after school my dad drove me all the way toComox. It was great to see my family. After I got home, I had a little bite to eat and then went to bed. By the way, ever single day I was getting great sleep which was great. On Saturday morning, I watched some soccer games that were live on my computer. After that I did a core workout, then I made breakfast and hanged out with my brother. I was also helping my Dad with putting the boat in it’s shelter and mowing the lawn. After that my Mom came home and told me that we were going to a restaurant called Martine’s, it was a great meal I had Seafood linguine it was creamy and delicious. When we got back home I was very tired, so I watched a little bit of TV, then went to bed. Finally the day I was looking forward to the most, the actual dinner. Before that though I did another intense core workout and also going to the turf with my Dad. My goal was to burn as many calories as I could, so I could eat a lot! I helped with making the food. The food was on the table, but first we all had to tell what we were thankful for. The meal was great because the turkey was crispy while also being juicy. After dinner we watched Lupin, then crashed to bed. The next day I went for a run and a soccer session in my front yard.After, It was time to head back to Victoria

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