PW#1 Weekend memories

My father has went to Costa Rica, lately I’ve been waking up late. my showers take longer and I’m so much slower. fortunately on the weekend, I got to spend my time with my friend Devin, it was her birthday and we went to butterfly gardens. I got to spend time with my favorite bird, Chili. Chili is a grey feathered parrot whom makes radio-like noises. I took plenty of pictures on my phone of the garden, including some of the bird on peoples arms. they had a flamingo, pretty and pink and tall, of course we could not touch it. after butterfly gardens we went to Mayfair mall and spent money, I got a frog hat and red sunglasses, which is on the lock screen of my phone. we got to eat out and drive while blasting music, it was very fun until I felt the pillow under my head, reminding me its school tomorrow, I will have to wake up like every week day; at 6AM, tired and done. then I will have to push through the classes and have homework, soon enough I am sure I will have no memories of being a kid, just a teenager, waking up everyday for the same heartbreaking routine, doing nothing but trying to survive through the school. I cant really remember the last time I ran through the summer grass.

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