PW#1: Deer

Hello everyone, and welcome to my first piece of personal writing.

Ever since my family moved to the Highlands, we’ve been astonished at the amount of wildlife. Coming from suburban Ontario, it’s been quite a shock, as the only animals we saw there were a few squirrels. Although all the flora and fauna here are a bit odd to us, the strangest thing has to be the deer.

Every night, anywhere from 6-8 PM, deer will just come to our property. Sometimes they sleep, sometimes they fight, but most of the time they just sit there. They aren’t aggressive, and sometimes even come right up to us. We’ve asked around and this seems to be abnormal, even by BC standards.

Maybe the previous owners fed them every night, or maybe it’s because our property is in an area with lots of exits, in case of a cougar attack (which are extremely common in our area.) It’s a mystery that we may never find the answer to, so we can do nothing but enjoy the company of the deer.

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