PW #6

A long weekend  


This week we had a long weekend, and we did not had school on Friday and on Monday, my friends and I got a lot of time to rest and do many fun activities, In the dorms every weekend thy plan fun activities for us to do, this long weekend we played a lot of pool, and I wasn’t good and I had never played before but I got to practice a lot and got better. We also baked many things, we baked cookies and brownies, and they were really good, we all love baking and trying new recipes, and these were definitely one of the best cookies we have ever baked. To eat the brownies and the cookies, we watched some scary movies, and we had a lot of fun getting scared together and laughing about it. We also got to rest a lot and most of the long weekend we spent it resting and sleeping. We also had a sleepover togther and talked a lot about everything, we went to bed really late and had lots of fun. At the end this weekend was great, we could not do much, but we had a lot of fun, sleeping was probably my favorite part of the long weekend and i hop we can get another long weekend soon. 

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