PR to “Enemy of the People”

The play An Enemy of The People by Henrik Ibsen is a unique and unconventional insight into political matters such as the rights of the compact majority. Instead of being a lighthearted play as many were at the time, it forces on Doctor Thomas Stockmann, a captivating and direct medical officer who finds the prize possession of his hometown has been contaminated by an animal tannery. Throughout reading this play, I began to question democracy and how most governments are run present day. As demonstrated myriad of times, following Doctor Stockmann’s discovery the compact majority rather than disagreeing openly with what is spread through the town, choose to oblige with whatever is agreed upon in fear of punishment. This more than ever before, is relevant to our global status in the invention of phones and other technology which has stripped mankind of our individuality. An Enemy of the People, therefore, serves as a cautionary tale that will be cherished by future generations, just as it has been by previous ones before it.

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