PW #3 Why I Started Playing American Football

I started playing football because it’s a sport that teaches you life lessons, even if you don’t realize it, for example, what always happens in American football is that you fight with someone, but if you fall, you always have to get up and that always happens in life, if something very strong happens, you always have to get up, no matter how strong the pain is, you always get up and Your team is always going to be your family, you have to be there through thick and thin.

And it’s also the other way around, they’re always going to be there for you, it happened to me the first time I played football, I cried, the blow was so hard that I had to cry, but sometimes or always you have to hold back your tears and give it your all, the American taught me to make friends and several life lessons that from my point of view another sport doesn’t give you, although I also like soccer.

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