PW #2

Just around the end of august this year, my parents decided to buy be a racing simulator. For those who don’t know what a racing simulator is, it is basically a steering wheel with pedals that you can plug in to your computer in order to play certain racing games. The reasons I got my racing simulator was because 1: my friends had ones and they wanted me to be able to play with them, and 2: I had always wanted one. Once the wheel arrived I was so excited, and I tried out some racing games. I was absolutely horrible with the racing wheel on the first day, but after about a week or so I was much, much better. The first game that I got for the racing wheel was F1 2023, the second game I got was Need for Speed Heat, which I didn’t end up playing much, and the third game I got was BeamNG Drive, which I had already downloaded years before, but I booted it up with my racing wheel. On my birthday, I am going to be completing the racing set, and my parents will be buying me a stick-shift simulator.

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