Pr to The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a mystery and terror novel by Robert Luis Stevenson published in 1886.

I liked this story more than the others we have read in class before, I find this story much more interesting and understandable to read besides I like horror and suspense stories similar to this one.

the story is about a scientist called Dr. Jekyll who made an elixir in his laboratory to transform himself into the negative part of his personality that he calls Mr. Hyde, this was a bad idea and it ended up getting out of his control because Mr. Hyde becomes more powerful and it was no longer possible to stop him, so Dr Jekyll decides to kill himself, making Mr. Hyde also disappear.

this story makes me think about the reason why Dr. Jekyll made that elixir, i mean, i know that if he hadn´t done that there would be no story but i think that it wasn´t that difficult or it wasn´t necessary to think a lot to know that it is a terrible idea that wasn´t going to end in anything good and wasn´t beneficial in any way. it was just an irresponsible use of what he is capable of, but well… at the end he took the responsibility and fixed his mistake even though the price of that was losing his life.


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