PR to Master and Man

What does this story makes you think about? I think is very intresting how Vasili change a lot in a very short time, I mean, all the story his been a very egoist and rude with other people, is it possible to change in such a short time? I don´t think so… . Maybe he realized what he had done all his life and through that the “Master” (God) was going to punish him when he died so he decided to give his life for other person to compensate for his actions, giving me to understand that he did it thinking about himself again , or he just become a good person out of nothing?. I don´t like Vasili but I don´t like Nikita to because the story and the narrative shoes him as a very good person , the opposite of Vasili. Nikita is not a very good person either, he also did bad things like hitting his wife, in the past he was an alcoholic, he worries about his family and gets depressed because of the person he is, minimizing himself in front of others (with Vasili) and does nothing about it. Regarding this, at least Vasili supports his family and does something for his son and wife, not Nikita , he just says and thinks things but he dosen´t solve anything , he dosen´t even try.

But that is only my opinion.

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