IRJE#2: The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner, is a book with a very deep meaning behind it. The stories told in this book depict mid Afghan war ad people throughout Afghanistan. The main Character (Amir) and his best friend (Hassan) go to a festival every winter to launch kites. However, this was no ordinary event, as during the mass chaos and hundreds of kites flying, many tangle or get taken down. The goal of the game is to be the last one “standing”.

“In the winter of 1975, I saw Hassan run a kite for the last time. Usually, each neighbourhood held it’s own competition. But that year the competition was going to be held in my neighbourhood.. You could hardly go anywhere without hearing talk of the upcoming tournament.”

This quote symbolises that in areas like Afghanistan, where the industrialization and evolution of tech has not occurred, people get entertained by such a tiny thing, for us, the ones who revolutionised. This leads me to believe that we should all be grateful for what we have and not to disrespect those who are in a tough situation today (Israel, Ukraine, Afghanistan, parts of Africa, North Korea, and other countries which are con-full)


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